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Tips To Effectively Raise Credit Score

March 14, 2009 4:16 pm Published by

Tips To Effectively Raise Credit Score

If you are of the many people suffering from bad credit, don’t worry about your bad credit rating. Instead, you have to work to raise your credit score. There are various steps to follow to raise credit score, where the first one is to get a free copy of the credit report.

You have to get a copy to ensure that the information on it is accurate. Inaccurate information can give you a bad credit score. Any errors have to be immediately informed to the three credit bureaus through dispute letters mentioning the said errors.

It is important that you pay your bills on time so that you raise credit score. Your payment history accounts for 35% of your credit score, where the latest payments you make carry maximum wait on your credit score. Even a single missed payment can lead to a decrease of your credit score by 50 to 100 points.

Work at reducing current debt

The next thing to do to raise credit score is to work at reducing your current debt as quickly and as much as possible. And if there is a large gap between the amount of debt your card carries and the card’s credit limit, your credit score tends to increase much more.

Though you may think that closing of old credit accounts help in raising your credit score, this is not so. This is because today’s credit scoring methods punish you when you close your accounts as it tends to reduce the distance between your credit limit and your debt. This thus reduces and not raises your credit score.

You can never raise your credit score by filing for bankruptcy as it only damages and at times, destroys your credit score. In fact, you will reduce your credit score by a minimum of 200 or more points which will be difficult to recover as bankruptcies remain on the credit report for a minimum of seven years.

Fast Credit Repair

By following the tips and techniques here and on, you will be able to considerably raise credit score and get a good credit rating.

How To Fix Credit

March 8, 2009 9:09 am Published by

How To Fix Credit

The First step on How to fix Credit is to stay on top of your credit situation with the 3 credit bureau, request a tri merge credit report. Know what your credit says and make sure that what it shows is accurate.


Dispute all inaccuracies using a credit dispute letter, Remember, you must dispute true credit report inaccuracies. If the credit bureau cannot verify the inaccuracy within 30days, they have to delete it from your credit report per Fair credit reporting ACT. The Fair Credit Reporting Act ensures that accounts are reporting 100% accurately. This includes dates and Amounts exactly to the penny. There can be NO discrepancies and must reflect the accounts true status.


The most critical thing that you can do is to ensure the accuracy of each of your credit reports. After you are certain of their accuracy you can take other steps to improve your credit score. It is very important to read your credit report very carefully! Look for inaccurate, outdated, incomplete and negative information! Following is the list of common problems you may find in your credit report:

You can dispute inaccurate information with the credit reporting agency. If you tell a credit reporting agency that your file contains inaccurate information, they will investigate the items (usually within 30 days from the receipt of your dispute).

The credit reporting agency must give you a written report of the investigation and a copy of your report if the investigation results in any change. If the investigation does not resolve the dispute, you may add a brief statement to your file.

If you are legitimately uncertain about the truth of an item, then you can dispute it in good faith. The burden of proof is on the credit reporting agency to prove the accuracy with the creditor. Your dispute letter will generate an investigation, and if the creditor does not respond to this investigation, the entry in question must be deleted from your file.

credit bureaus have less patience dealing credit repair companies. They would rather deal directly with their clients. So when going the route on how to fix credit, dealing with the expensive credit counseling service actually has a negative effect and could back fire on you! They will pursue the accounts in a more aggressive manner than if you did it yourself.
If a credit reporting agency violates the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you may sue them in state or federal court. The dispute process is incredibly straightforward, and involves just a few steps:
Determine the items you want to dispute.

Send the dispute letter.

Keep accurate records, if needed.

Obtain the results of the dispute.

Here’s why doing it by yourself, like we did, vs. hiring a credit counseling service is a much cheaper and more effective plan.


These programs charges high up front fees

They ask you to pay comfortable monthly payments subscriptions and are clearly proven by the FTC to be ineffective scams (Google “FTC credit repair firms ” you will be scared to do death like I was)

credit bureaus have less patience dealing credit repair companies. They would rather deal directly with their clients. So when going the route on how to fix credit, dealing with the expensive credit repair companies actually has a negative effect and could back fire on you!.
Fast Credit Repair

Stay at home mom of 3. Writer of the How To Fix Credit” Do it yourself “credit Repair ebook- with No Credit Repair Companies Feel Free to visit our site to get your Free “Do it yourself like us ” Credit Repair Report, at : or call 800-605-9085 for FREE consultation. Please rate, subscribe and comment. Thanks! credit report repair, improve credit scores fast, Credit Restoration, Repair Credit Score, Rebuild Credit, credit repair, improve credit, improve credit score, increase credit…
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Credit Repair: 5 Easy Ways to Fix Credit Problems

March 5, 2009 4:48 am Published by

Credit Repair: 5 Easy Ways to Fix Credit Problems

It seems that everyone in America has one type of credit problem or another. We all need to learn how to fix credit problems because our society revolves so much around credit-based situations. Even if you have a superior credit score, you can watch it drop by 100 points just for missing a single payment – or even making a late payment! The credit realm is definitely cut-throat and it isn’t going to suddenly get easier to handle. There’s good news though! There are methods that you can use to fix credit problems. Let’s look at 5 hot ones now:

#1: Start making your payments for everything that you are responsible for on time. Pay your bills in full and do it every time that they come due. The scoring algorithms that have a direct affect on the happiness that we experience love to see timely payments. They do not appreciate late or missed payments whatsoever, and they have no problem showing you that by dropping your precious credit score overnight!

#2: Keep your credit cards at a maximum charge level of 30% and pay them off in full every month. The second most important variable in your scoring algorithm is based upon the difference in the amount of credit that you could use as compared to the amount of credit that you actually do use. Keeping the charge levels low shows restraint and responsibility. That’s what the algorithms like – nobody ever said they were any fun!

#3: Dispute any and all negative items that show up on your credit reports. It is your right to do so and it is the responsibility of the reporting agencies to verify all disputed claims with the creditor that placed them on your report. This is an integral component in your overall strategy to fix credit problems that you may have. If the disputed items cannot be or are not verified within a reasonable time period (normally 30 to 45 days), then they must be removed from your credit report. This is definitely worth doing as it has been shown that as many as 79% of all credit reports contain some degree of inaccurate information. If you do not dispute negative items, they will remain there indefinitely.

#4: A leveraging method to fix credit problems involves having somebody with excellent credit add you as an authorized user on one or more of their credit accounts. The algorithms raise your credit score because they see that the person with the excellent credit had entrusted you. Alternatively, but equally effective, is to have someone cosign a loan for you.

#5: When all else fails – if your credit is just horrible, you can still fix it, but it will require some patience. You can fix credit problems in extreme circumstances by filing for bankruptcy. That’s what the bankruptcy laws and courts are there for. Sometimes, people need a second chance in their financial lives. After you file, you are going to have to wait a while for any credit to be granted to you again. However, sometimes a bankruptcy is the best option available.

Fast Credit Repair

With attention, intention, diligence and patience, you can raise your credit score to where you need it to be to enjoy your life and provide for your family. For professional help, check out the top credit repair services online.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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