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Is it necessary to Repair Credit Score?

March 27, 2009 6:06 am Published by

Is it necessary to Repair Credit Score?

Is it necessary to repair credit score?

There are many who are unaware of this answer. Most of us are not even bothered to have a look at our credit report. We just maintain it for the sake of it. However such negligence can only result in bad credit rating. This makes it very much important to repair credit score at least once in six months.

Credit Score repair plays an important role to wipe off the errors and bad remarks that prevails in your credit score. Repairing not only helps to wipe off the negative remarks but it also helps to increase the credit score rating. If you have the credit score with bad remarks and errors then it is the best time to repair your credit score and improve your credit score.

Usually credit score ranges from 300-750 but a good credit score is above 700. Many people have their credit score within 600-700, which is regarded as average credit score. If you have credit score that is below 600 it is necessary that you repair it instantly. With the prior repair of credit score you can get more credit flexibility. You know that today’s business places more emphasis on credit simultaneously importance of credit score has also increased.

Credit Repair Service charge you a reasonable fee thereby rendering you valuable services. You can get the best results within 45-50 days. Repairing credit requires great deal of patience and experience. Below are some useful tips that can prove helpful in repairing your credit score.

• Order Credit Report
Initially you must order your credit report from different credit bureaus. Remember different credit bureaus have different ways of calculating a credit score.

• Ascertain the Report Carefully
You need to check your credit report properly. It’s quite possible that you find at least one error. Credit bureau calculates your credit score on the basis of the information they get from your creditors. Its your duty to polish and up-date your credit score at least once in six months.

• Dispute and Document Strategy
If you find any mistake in your credit score assure that you ask the reason from the respective credit bureau. Keep up-to-date copy of every documents and notice. The Credit Bureau normally replies within 30 days after receiving your letter.

• Dissolve or Solve Debts
One of the best ways to repair your credit score is to dissolve or solve debts, if it exists. This step can improve your credit score to a larger extent.

Other Steps

• Assure that you close your newly opened account.
• Close your account carefully and slowly.
• As far as possible avoid revolving balances.
• Maintain low balances.
• In circumstances where creditors ask to increase your credit limit you must always keep it at a moderate level.
• Add stability to your credit profiles.

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How to fix your credit and how to fix credit the easy way

March 26, 2009 3:12 am Published by

How to fix your credit and how to fix credit the easy way

You might be searching for answer about how to fix your credit. There are many different things that an individual can do to fix credit. There are a number of ways to find answers that will show you how to fix your credit. It is possible to fix bad credit on your own or by having a professional or a company help you fix your bad credit. You can also work with a company and work on your own at the same time to fix your bad credit. National Credit Fixers is one of the many companies that will help you fix many bad credit problems. The company can help you improve your FICO credit score as well.


Why would one want to have a higher FICO credit score? A high FICO credit score will help you save a lot of money on your monthly bills. People with a higher FICO credit score will find more rental and employment opportunities. This is why it is important to fix credit and make sure you have a good FICO credit score. One way how to fix your credit is to contact National Credit Fixers. The company will be able to help you improve your FICO score. Clients who have worked with National Credit Fixers have seen an average increase of fifty to sixty points in their FICO scores.


If you are looking for how to fix your credit, you should know that there are a number of ways. There are many things that you will need to do to fix credit. You will also need a number of things to help you fix credit. You will need a few things including a new credit card, a credit report, credit counselor and a debt consolidation plan. When trying to fix credit, the first thing you will want to do is request a copy of your credit report from a credit bureau. This can be done over the internet if you prefer. You should check the credit report for errors. If you find errors you will need to get them fixed. You can try contacting the creditor who reported the error to find out how to fix your credit report error.


You should also consider contacted a credit counselor who will be able to tell you how to fix your credit problems. A counselor should do whatever possible to help you fix credit. The counselor should contact your debtors in your behalf and have them eliminate or reduce your finance charges. The counselor should be able to have your monthly payments reduced by up to forty percent.


When trying to fix your bad credit you should close all of your credit accounts. You can also consider selling your valuables to help you pay off your debts and liquidate your assets to get the money you need to pay off debts. You should also change your spending habits as soon as possible. Only purchase the things that you actually need. And always make sure that you purchase the cheapest items that you can find.

Fast Credit Repair

Are you looking for ways how to fix your credit ? For more information about how to fix credit visit National Credit Fixers.

Do Something About Your Credit. Repair Credit Now so That You Can Have a Good Credit Score

March 17, 2009 2:45 pm Published by

Do Something About Your Credit. Repair Credit Now so That You Can Have a Good Credit Score


After twelve years of credit repair, credit score repair and writing credit repair letters to all sorts of creditors, collection agencies and credit bureaus, I realized that it was necessary to provide my services at a serious discount to consumers in need. I realized that not all consumers could afford my credit repair services. As a result, I created a hot line to answer credit repair and credit score questions. However, I noticed that it was becoming an overwhelming task for my staff and at much expense in order to provide the free credit repair services.

A little over two (2) years ago, a couple of my clients suggested I should write a booklet (20 pages) about credit score, how credit score is calculated, what to look for when calculating credit score, what is the best way to repair credit and some of the main topics of credit repair. They suggested I should provide this ebook for a price of .95. I thought about doing so for some time as I was thinking that 20 pages of credit repair ebook would not be enough to even touch the surface on so many subjects that needed to be covered. You see the entire idea of credit repair (credit score repair) or credit repair letter writing is not a simple task that even 50 pages would be enough. However, it was also bothering me to charge .95 for some limited number of pages.

Then I realized, I could sit and think and continue contemplating about writing a credit repair – fix credit summary pages until I turn blue, or if I truly want to help consumers with their credit repair and credit score issues, I must take a step and start now. That was two (2) years ago.

As I was writing, in August 2006, I realized, we’ll have a major problems with the mortgage loans being granted so easily due to the unethical practices of mortgage lenders, brokers and direct lenders. You must understand this point. For the past eleven (11) years, I was directly involved in assisting my clients get loans after their credit repair was reasonably completed and their credit score was around 740 or higher. Initially, I was just fixing credit and let them enjoy the luxury of such good credit score. However, after communicating with my clients a couple of months later, I noticed that they were getting rubbed by “mortgage brokers” and the so called “Direct Lenders” or even the loan servicing companies. It was unjust then and it continued to be unjust now. Since this is a separate issue of its own, that I must share it with you and teaches you what to watch-out for, I am going to create a separate article about Creditors, lenders, mortgage brokers and the “direct lenders.”

Let’s stick with issue regarding credit repair.

Most consumers fall in the trap of over extended credit when banks and credit cards companies offer one card or loan after another. The consumers think the best way to get-out-of debt is borrowing more. In other words, “steal from Pete to pay Paul.” This is one of the major misconception consumers have that puts them in a deeper debt and causes even more problems for them to the point that they have credit collapse (beyond credit crunch). They experience receiving a lot of called from collection agencies, having late payments, collections and charge off entries on their credit files (credit reports) and their credit score goes down to 400 or 500 level.

As I was typing my so-called ebook (according to push my clients given), I noticed that the summary book was expanding to over one hundred pages and I was not even touching half the issues. Then I decided to continue and make the book a “credit repair” book called “Your Credit = Your Life, Fix It Now!” Since August 2006 realization that we will have mortgage problems, my only option was to inform as many people as I could either by emailing or calling, I was not able to reach all consumers. However, “Your Credit = Your Life…” book addressed all issues.

Other misconceptions consumers have, is the fact that some of them think, a credit repair is a quick fix. They think, they can just wave a magic wand and their credit score will go up from 495 to 720 or more. That’s not how it works. A true credit repair or improvement in credit score takes time (several months to a couple of years). Don’t be fooled by what you hear as quick “credit repair fix.”

In order for you to do self credit repair which is the best method, your must follow several steps. Those steps are lengthy and require patience. It requires dedication, willpower and application of your own gradual experiences. For the past several years, I have a sign on my office door so that everyone can clearly see. I also have the quote on my business cards, letterhead, books I wrote and talk about it repeatedly. It says, “more is lost by indecision than by bad decision.”

Think about it for a couple of second and then relate these words to what has transpired in your life thus far. Just as I was contemplating to write 20 pages for an ebook and sell it for .95, I was thinking of two things:

a. It is not possible to write just 20 pages,

b. I wouldn’t have the heart to sell a summary book for .95.

I lost the track of my own quote. “More was being lost be my indecision…” I wanted to help teach others how to fix credit; I hired a staff teaching them the credit repair concepts, but wasn’t grabbing my keyboard to type what was in my heart and mind. As my clients were pushing me, I was lost in my indecision.

Most consumers do exactly the same as I did for a couple of months. Think with yourself. How many times were you planning to do something and you kept contemplating if you should do what was in your mind or suggested to you? I bet you did that a few times. I bet part of your problem was the same as mine. Where do I start? How do I approach it? What would be my next step? And, a long list of other questions. You know something. Unless you take the first step, you wouldn’t know what the next step is. Unless you set your goal, mind and heart to take an action, it will never happen. You will contemplate and continue in your indecision yet time passes you by and all you do get deeper and deeper in debt, pay more for simple loans, get drowned in debt to a point that you will take your credit or financial anger on your loved ones. ALL BECAUSE YOU DID NOT MAKE YOUR DECISION IN DOING SOMETHING TO TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND.

My dear friend, stop feeling sorry. Here, I am pushing you to do something. Make a decision and do something about it NOW. It is never a bad idea to have a better credit so that you could have a better life and save more money. It took me several months to prepare the book that offers all you need to know about your credit. Believe me, I have seen so many credit reports that yours would not be half as bad as what I’ve seen. There is hope for everyone, especially you. You only become hopeless when you don’t get up, shack off feeling sorry and do something to turn your credit life around.

Please let it be now. Here are a few steps in what you can do.

1. Get copies of your credit reports. You must obtain recent copies for all three (3) credit bureaus. One credit report won’t do. Why? Different creditors and collection agencies report to different credit bureaus. See the book.

2. Compare each entry shown on your credit reports with the account statements you have. Whether it is an open account, closed account, a collection, a charge off or late payment account. You don’t know how many times, I seen credit reports where the consumer did not have any such account and it was creditor or credit bureaus mistakes. Read the book.

3. When you notice inconsistencies (whether it is an account you don’t recognize or misinformation about an account), call creditors and credit bureaus. Discuss, dispute and be persistent.

4. Ask for a conclusion, removal or correction letter.

5. Do NOT settle with collection agencies. If you do or have no other choice, you must do two things, settle for less or don’t pay unless they agree to correct the entry by removing it.

6. Do not trust a collection agent. They do NOT mean well.

There are so many things to talk about and so many techniques to offer. It is impossible to discuss all in this article. So, I ask you to do something useful and quick to improve your credit score, which is as a result of your steps in your credit repair. You don’t know how good it will do for you.

For a complete details of the list above and other topics use the knowledge base provided at link and pick up a copy of the book “Your Credit = Your Life, Fix It now!”

Best wishes

Mike Samadi

Any questions?  Go to Q & A of, read and post.  Go to the “Comment” page and post your story or comment.

Fast Credit Repair

Mike Samadi is an author of several books and is widely known as a credit repair expert. Read Mike’s book (“Bad Things happen to Good People. Your Credit = Your Life, Fix It Now!” or “Saving Your Money”) to gain knowledge and experiences needed to overcome your problems. You should also visit the website at to find out more and fix your credit.

Credit Repair: 3 Easy Ways to Fix Credit Problems

March 16, 2009 4:42 pm Published by

Credit Repair: 3 Easy Ways to Fix Credit Problems

It seems that everyone in America has one type of credit problem or another. We all need to learn how to fix credit problems because our society revolves so much around credit-based situations. Even if you have a superior credit score, you can watch it drop by 100 points just for missing a single payment – or even making a late payment! The credit realm is definitely cut-throat and it isn’t going to suddenly get easier to handle. There’s good news though! There are methods that you can use to fix credit problems. Let’s look at 5 hot ones now:

#1: Start making your payments for everything that you are responsible for on time. Pay your bills in full and do it every time that they come due. The scoring algorithms that have a direct affect on the happiness that we experience love to see timely payments. They do not appreciate late or missed payments whatsoever, and they have no problem showing you that by dropping your precious credit score overnight!

#2: Keep your credit cards at a maximum charge level of 30% and pay them off in full every month. The second most important variable in your scoring algorithm is based upon the difference in the amount of credit that you could use as compared to the amount of credit that you actually do use. Keeping the charge levels low shows restraint and responsibility. That’s what the algorithms like – nobody ever said they were any fun!

#3: Dispute any and all negative items that show up on your credit reports. It is your right to do so and it is the responsibility of the reporting agencies to verify all disputed claims with the creditor that placed them on your report. This is an integral component in your overall strategy to fix credit problems that you may have. If the disputed items cannot be or are not verified within a reasonable time period (normally 30 to 45 days), then they must be removed from your credit report. This is definitely worth doing as it has been shown that as many as 79% of all credit reports contain some degree of inaccurate information. If you do not dispute negative items, they will remain there indefinitely.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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