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Q&A: How to raise credit score 28 points in 2 months?

April 19, 2009 8:16 am Published by

Question by runnercaiti1: How to raise credit score 28 points in 2 months?
I want to apply for an apartment but they need a 625 credit score. I lost my job for a few months and am now behind on two accounts.
My credit score is 597. I can bring the accounts current in less than three weeks but will just that be enough to raise my score those 28 points? I don’t want to waste my application fee just to get rejected.

Fast Credit Repair
Best answer:

Answer by anduze.alexander
take out a secured loan for about 0 and pay it back in one month, and take out another and pay it within the second month, guaranteed to boost your credit score

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Fix Credit Report Errors

April 16, 2009 3:54 pm Published by

Fix Credit Report Errors

Unfortunately, chances are there are errors on your credit report that are significant enough to hurt your credit in a way that would not allow you to get a favorable loan. That means your inaccurate credit score could cost you the ability to get an auto loan, rent an apartment, or even get a job. Studies show that 1 in 4 credit reports have false information, but there are ways to quickly fix credit report errors.

The first step is obvious. Get a copy of your credit report. By law, the three credit reporting agencies are required to give you one free copy of your report once a year. You can elect to receive a copy from all three agencies at once, or obtain one report at a time. If you have not reviewed your credit report in over a year, it’s recommended to request them all at once since some information can be listed on one report but not the other. You can always purchase a copy of your credit report later if needed.

Once you receive your credit report, you simply want to look for errors, particularly the negative errors. Look for:

* Open accounts that are not yours
* Notices of delinquent payments that have been on time
* The same loan or credit card listed twice
* The absence of a loan or credit card

You also want to double check that your name, birth date, current address and social security number is accurate. Otherwise information from someone else with a similar name could be confused with yours. Some wrong information, however, is not necessarily a big deal. The use of “street” versus “road” in your personal address, for example, or the correct spelling of your previous employer. These types of things will not affect your credit score and does not really make it any easier for an identity thief to steal your information.

If you find an error, notify the credit agency immediately. They are required by law to contact the lender/creditor and within 30 days, but you’ll need copies of your credit report first.

Fast Credit Repair

Find out how your credit score compares to the national and get your quick credit fix. Download your credit score and reports for free at – Credit expert, Brian Diez, reveals why it’s so difficult to remove inaccuracies from your credit report.
Fast Credit Repair
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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How To Repair Credit – A Brief Report

April 13, 2009 5:18 am Published by

How To Repair Credit – A Brief Report

Are you looking for a way to dig yourself out of mounting debt that just seems to keep getting worse? You’re first instinct may be to hire someone to fix the problem, but if you’ve already got financial problems this might not be the best choice. Why not try to find out how to repair credit and do it yourself?

If you’ve got credit issues, sometimes it can feel like you’re in over your head. It can be very hard to pay back your loans on time while staying caught up on your regular bills as well. If this sounds like your situation, you probably don’t know where to turn to for help. If you’re a very self reliant person you may not want any help at all, and first try learning how to repair credit on your own. This can be an excellent move because no one is going to be more motivated in figuring out how to repair credit than you, since it’s your credit standing that’s on the line. Only you can undo the damage to your credit score.

The first step in learning how to repair credit is figuring out how much debt you owe in total. Make up a list of all the outstanding debts you have along with who they are owed to. Getting all your debts accounted for is essential – if you’re disorganized to the point that you don’t even know how much you owe, it’s going to be very difficult to do anything about your situation. You really can’t skip this step if you hope to learn how to repair credit.

Next you’ll want to get a copy of your credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian or TransUnion. You can obtain them for free once a year. When learning the basics of how to repair credit this step is also crucial since you need to know which debts to focus on first. You’ll also want to look over them for any mistakes, which are actually quite common to find, so that you can dispute them. Obviously you’ve got enough issues without being penalized for debt you don’t really owe.

If you can’t find any prominent errors, the next step in how to repair credit is to research your options. Debt consolidation is a common route that many people take. This involves a debt consolidation company acquiring all your outstanding debts and then allowing you to pay them one monthly payment at a lower interest rate.

Also you will probably want to research the Credit Repair Organizations Act. It protects you from credit repair organizations which falsify their claims or attempt to bill you before you’ve received their services.

Another thing you can do if you want to know how to repair credit is to apply for a credit card. This might sound like the last thing you want to do, and of course the annual fees and interest rates are going to be quite high, but if you can be responsible and make your monthly payments, it can go a long way toward repairing your credit score.

The most important step when it comes to how to repair credit is learning financial responsibility. There’s no point in going to all this trouble to correct your credit rating if you’re just going to get right back into hot water. For many this can be quite hard and budgeting yourself so you stay within your means can be a lot of work. One thing that might help is debt counseling, which instructs how to stay on top of your finances.

In conclusion, I hope this article has provided some useful information in regards to how to repair credit. It can be a wonderful feeling of accomplishment when you’ve arranged to get out of debt once and for all.

Fast Credit Repair

John Robbins is a small business owner who likes to write on a wide variety of topics. For more information on credit repair visit You can also visit his blog:

Ways to fix credit history and fixing your credit the right way

April 13, 2009 1:28 am Published by

Ways to fix credit history and fixing your credit the right way

Are you interested in fixing your credit? There are many different reasons why an individual would want to fix credit history problems. You can benefit greatly from having a high credit score. A high FICO score means that you’ll end up saving a lot of money on your monthly bills. A high score will also help you find better and more rental and employment opportunities. This is only a few reasons why you may be interested in fixing your credit. There are many ways that you can fix credit history. For starters, you can work with a company such as National Credit Fixers that will do much of the work for you.


When you are fixing your credit, you should consider contacting a company like National Credit Fixers. The company will be able to help you fix credit history problem and mistakes that were made long ago. The company has a very respectable following. Clients who have used the company on average have been able to increase their FICO scores by fifty to sixty points. The company can help you correct a number of inaccurate items on your credit report such as identity theft, bankruptcies, late payments, charge offs, paid collections, incorrect personal info, foreclosures and tax liens. Let Nation Credit Fixers put your mind at ease by fixing your credit.


In order to fix credit history, you will need a number of things including a credit counselor, credit report, debt consolidation plan and possibly a new credit card. The first step to fixing credit history problems is requesting a credit report from a credit bureau. You can get a credit report either over the internet, through the mail or in person. You should check the credit report for any errors. If you happen to encounter errors on your credit report then you will need help fixing your credit report. You will need to contact the creditor who reported the error in order to fix credit history inaccuracies.


There are a number of other steps you will need to take in order to fix credit history. Do you have any outstanding debts? If you have any outstanding debts, you should pay them off as quickly as possible. It is best to pay off those debts with the highest interest rates first because these debts will build up and increase much faster than debts with lower interests rates. You should never get a credit repair loan or a debt consolidation loan as these will only put you deeper in debt. Also be sure to never do company with any company that sends unsolicited mail or email.


Are your debts becoming overwhelming? If so then you should consider contacting a non profit credit counseling organization which will put you in the hands of a debt counselor who will help you come up with a debt consolidation plan. This individual will also contact your debtors for your in hopes or lowing or eliminating finance charges. It is possible for these individuals to have your monthly payments reduced by up to forty percent. You need to lower your spending as well. Only purchase things that you actually need and always purchase the cheapest items you can find. Finding the cheapest deals might be a hassle but it will save you money.

Fast Credit Repair

Trying to fix credit history problems? For help with fixing your credit be sure to contact National Credit Fixers today.

Raise Credit Score in 30 Days

April 11, 2009 6:25 am Published by

Raise Credit Score in 30 Days

If you are preparing to raise your credit score, there are certain strategies you can do to if your bad credit in as little as 30 days. In some instances you can raise you score 100 points or more within 72 hours. How you go about doing this depends on what your credit report currently looks like.

The first step to fixing your credit is to download a copy of your credit report from the Annual Credit Report website. If you are working to raise your credit score because you are planning on applying for an auto loan or mortgage in the near future, it is recommended to review your credit report from all three credit reporting agencies – Equifax, Trans Union and Experian. The information on all three of these reports will slightly vary.

If you currently have a below average credit score, some of the raise credit score strategies that you are recommended will have a greater impact than if you have a good credit score. For example, one quick fix is to reduce your credit-to-debt ratio. This is the total and individual amount of credit that has been extended to you, compared to how much you actually use. A credit card with a ,000 credit limit with a ,500 outstanding balance, for example, would equate to a 50 percent credit-to-debt ratio. Ideally you want to be below 30 percent or this will affect your credit score negatively.

If are currently maxing out your credit cards, then reducing this ratio just a bit could immediately improve your credit score by as much as 150 points, If, however, your credit-to-debt ratio is less than 40 percent, reducing this ratio will not have much of an impact. This will get you started, but there are plenty of raise credit score techniques that will allow you to significantly increase your credit within 30 days.

Fast Credit Repair

Find out how your credit score compares to the national and get your quick credit fix. Download your credit score and reports for free at

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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