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How to Repair Credit Report and Improve Credit Score

August 25, 2009 4:17 pm Published by

How to Repair Credit Report and Improve Credit Score

With the economic situation the way it is and home values down, many people have found that their once perfect credit is now tainted with late fees, over limit fees, closed accounts, and in the worse situations credit cards and loans that can no longer be paid, along with possibly bankruptcy or even foreclosure.  However, with all these negative marks on their credit, credit scores are now even more important than before and banks, car dealerships, mortgage companies, and credit card companies are making getting loans and credit even harder than before.  Not to mention that jobs, insurance companies, and a slew of other companies are also pulling credit reports now before approving applications or even offering jobs.  In the dire straight of the economy the need to repair credit report has become even more imperative than before.  Even if you plan to never own a credit card again or always pay in cash, fixing the credit you have is still important and if you can should be done.

Some basic steps to fix your credit to improve credit score are:

Get all your credit reports, from all three agencies, which are Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax Make sure all the information on the reports are correct Fix any and all information that is incorrect, misspelled, or wrong in any way Have any incorrect accounts or information removed immediately Contact the credit bureaus by filling out the appeal form they offer and by phone when necessary Contact all banks and credit card companies to see about negotiating terms to lower your interest rate, payment amount, and to remove all late fees and over limit fees Cancel almost all your credit cars, keep one or two for emergencies, but cancel the rest Close all loan accounts, even if they are not paid yet, close them now as you pay them off If the banks or credit card companies will not work with you, contact a credit repair agency to negotiate terms for you Make sure to make all payments on time from there on out Do not open any new accounts or apply for any additional loans, the extra hits on your credit will lower your score further, especially if you are denied

Credit report repair usually takes time.  It will not happen overnight.  It will take a lot of patience and due diligence to improve credit score.  Making payments on time every month and correcting your credit reports will make the biggest difference.  Also, again do not apply for more credit.  Every hit on your credit report lowers your credit score even further.  Remembering that it will take time and not to become frustrated or give up.  Following these simple steps to repair credit report will pay off over time.  After a year or two you will see definite improvements on your credit reports and probably in your business relations as well.  It is never a hopeless situation, no matter how bad your credit report looks, it can be repaired.  Information does fall off after a few years and you can get your credit back on track and in good standing again.

Fast Credit Repair

Mark is the author of “Crushing The Credit Bureaus” a do it yourself credit repair encyclopedia that focuses on repairing negative information on your credit report to help improve credit score. Fix your credit at now.

I’ve repaired credit for family and friends, can I start a business doing this? (and legally)?

August 24, 2009 9:48 am Published by

Question by James and Ashley: I’ve repaired credit for family and friends, can I start a business doing this? (and legally)?
I had really bad credit and studied hard, stayed organized, did research and have drastically improved my credit. After, my family asked me for help and advice and I was able to help them significantly too. A few close friends have asked for advice and I offered my expertise to them as well. There are many services that promise a lot, charge a lot and deliver little. I’d be more interested in educating people on how to take the steps I did and improve their own credit. My husband is a soldier in Iraq and when he gets back I know his soldiers will need some help too. Can I start a business doing this, if so what can I legally do and not do and how much should I charge for my time and services. Thanks!

Fast Credit Repair
Best answer:

Answer by Jamie
If you start a business as a consultant it should be legal. You can start a consulting business, for “business” or “personal” consulting. I would get a business license, and some program for making invoices.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Repair Credit – Move Towards a Better Financial Future For Your Family

August 17, 2009 9:07 pm Published by

Repair Credit – Move Towards a Better Financial Future For Your Family

If you want a better future for your family, it is imperative that you repair credit score as quickly as possible. What is the connection between the score and your future? Well, let us take a look at some assets that you would probably desire to purchase in the future.

The first is house. We all want to buy our own house. The fact that we have to pay rent and lose the money just to live in a house always irks us. In such a scenario, if we have a house of our own, we can pay the rent as the monthly installment and become the owner of our own property. Once the property belongs to us, nobody can evict us from the same no matter what happens.

However, if you want to qualify for a 0,000 loan, it is obvious that you must have a good credit score. If you do not have a good reputation in the market, no lender will be interested in giving you such a huge amount for a long period of time ranging to 15-20 years. On the other hand, if you repair credit history and if you make it look presentable, you certainly will qualify for affordable loans.

You may qualify for a vehicle loan without any difficulty today. However, when you have a credit card on your head, a personal loan, home loan and an automobile loan that belongs to your spouse, it is obvious that qualifying for affordable automobile loan will not be easy.

In such a scenario, if you are not in a position to repair credit rating as quickly as possible, you may have to face rejection after rejection. Or, you may have to pay such a high amount of interest that it will be impossible for you to save money any time in the near future.

Another significant advantage that the repair of credit score offers is the protection against emergencies. Today, if your spouse stops working, chances are high that your poor score will mean that you will not get affordable loans.

On the other hand, if you have a high score, you can go in for consolidation, reduce the interest payments and play well within your limits until your spouse finds another job. All these options will become impossible to enjoy if you do not have a high score. That is a reason why you should repair credit score as early as possible.

Many find themselves wanting credit report repair for a credit score of 700+, but don’t know what is necessary to achieve this goal. Disputing negative items on your credit report can be the first step to boosting your score. Negative items on a credit report must be validated, and those that aren’t must be removed. The end result is a credit report repair for the consumer. For more information on legal and efficient ways to repair credit, visit the following link:
Raise Credit Score

Fast Credit Repair

Rose Graham has been involved in the public sector, helping consumers rebuild their financial well being for the better portion of her working life.

Places to Find Bad Credit Repair Help

August 17, 2009 4:47 pm Published by

Places to Find Bad Credit Repair Help

There are several sources available in the market and on the Internet that offer bad credit repair help. This help is available in various forms such as blogs, question answer sessions, guide on credit repair and tips. To get a professional bad credit repair help, you will have to pay some fee.

Self-help guide is also available in a downloadable version on the Internet. People can start with self-guide, which acquaints them with all the aspects of the bad credit, and the things needed to improve it to an acceptable level. Blogs are helpful too in terms of credit repair. Hence, you may even follow blogs regularly to stay updated regarding any possible help on credit repair.

Credit repair programs that claim instant credit repair are always a fraud. There are instant helps available on the Internet, but individuals need to remember that credit score cannot be improved in a single day.

Many financial experts say that, if people wish to improve their credit scores, they need to mention different types of checking accounts they have, to a reliable credit bureau for rectification purposes.

Credit Repair Sources:

There are also several free online guides for credit repair. People need to enroll to this guide by providing their e-mail addresses. The websites send the username and password so that individuals can access the online e-book to read and learn the helpful tips mentioned in these guides. Some provide the help guide such as offering newsletters in e-mails with each lesson every day.

Some non-profit organizations operate online to help people with credit repair. These organizations work on donations. They provide legitimate information about credit repair. Some of these credit-counseling bodies offer live-chat services to provide instant solutions to repair a bad credit.

They also have toll free numbers. You may contact on any of these numbers to ask any of your debt or credit related queries. The counselor then offers free debt and credit evaluation.

Frauds on Credit Repair Help:

Recently, there are reports of online frauds on credit repair. Many of these advertisements appear in local newspapers, TV, Internet or radio. Sometimes individuals even receive calls from telemarketers, who claim to offer help on credit repair.

People need to ignore all such exaggerated statements and claims made by these kinds of fraudulent companies. Only time, a conscious effort, and a personal debt plan can improve the credit report.

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a person is entitled to get a free copy of the credit report, if he or she is denied, insurance, or employment. However, a person needs to apply for the free copy within 60 days, after the denial. In such case, a person can submit a dispute in writing to the credit-reporting agency for any mistakes. The dispute form is available free of cost.

Thus, if you want to repair your credit score, obtain reliable and legitimate information from any of these credit repair help sources such as credit repair guides or books.

Fast Credit Repair

Find secured credit cards and more of Tom’s work at FINDsecuredcards.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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