Categories for Organizing to Repair Credit

Credit Repair Company – How to Get the Results You Want From a Credit Repair Company

March 25, 2011 5:00 am Published by

Credit Repair Company – How to Get the Results You Want From a Credit Repair Company

Most individuals have fantastic ideas of supervising the work of the credibility repair company and extracting the best possible results. Well, do you think you know enough about the world of finances and credit repair to supervise the functioning of a credibility repair company?

At best, you can start learning and get information on the various aspects of repair of credit and try to get a working knowledge of this field. However, do not think you can simply sit on top of the credit repair company understand whatever is being said. If you want to get the best results from a credibility repair company, it is important you choose the best one around.

If you find the right company, your task will become a lot easier. On the other hand, if you are not quick and if you end up choosing the wrong service provider, you can be rest assured of a difficult time ahead.

Another mistake that people make is that they simply back off and do not carry out any supervisory activity whatsoever. Since you do not know much about of the world of credit repair, you can make use of the services of a credit repair company to learn. You can ask questions, seek clarifications and get information on the various solutions available.

All this can be done as a part of client patronage. This means that you will get all the information for free and will have an accurate idea of how good the repair company is. You can ask whether you should close a particular credit card account or whether you should try and go in for a settlement. All these questions are definitely going to compel the repair company to come up with the right answers.

Thirdly, you should try to help the credit repair organization by being very particular and specific about your finances. You may not have been disciplined in the past but that must change. You should be very clear of your role in boosting your credit score. It is only when you are disciplined and committed towards credit repair will you enjoy good results.

If you are not disciplined, the credit repair organization will automatically get an excuse not to justify its failure. On the other hand, if your financial planning and management has improved, the credit repair company will have no option but to come up with the best possible efforts.

There are options available to repair bad credit and raise your credit score.  Something as simple as disputing negative items can help.  These items can be erased from your credit report, resulting in a significantly higher rating. Click the following link for more information on how to repair bad credit quickly and legally:

Erase Bad Credit

Fast Credit Repair

Rose Graham has been involved in the public sector, helping consumers rebuild their financial well being for the better portion of her working life.

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Wartime Contracting Oversight

March 8, 2011 6:00 pm Published by

Wartime Contracting Oversight – House Oversight Committee – 2009-06-10 – Product 286948-1-DVD – House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight. Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs. Witnesses testify about a Commission on Wartime Contracting report which documents poor management, weak oversight, and a failure to learn from past mistakes as recurring themes in wartime contracting. It also cites concerns with a massive support contract known as “LOGCAP” that provides troops with essential services, including housing, meals, mail delivery and laundry. Filmed by C-SPAN. Non-commercial use only. For more information see
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Credit Repair Contracts – What You Need to Know Before Signing a Credit Repair Contract

February 11, 2011 6:00 pm Published by

Credit Repair Contracts – What You Need to Know Before Signing a Credit Repair Contract

Section 406 of the Credit Repair Organizations Act protects consumers by making credit repair organizations provide you with a clear, written contract before performing any type of credit repair service. In a time when gasoline, food prices, and mortgage loan foreclosures are at an all time high, many people have bad credit. A great deal of us are looking for a little help getting our debts under control so we can improve our FICO score. Utilizing a credit repair service can be a step in the right direction to proving creditworthiness.

The problem is, there are deceptive credit repair organizations that prey on good people that are trying to repair their bad credit. You have protection under the law. Beware of any company, organization, service, or individual that does not provide you with a proper contract for credit repair services. The contract presented to you must be written, dated, and include:

The terms and conditions of payment, including the total amount of all payments to be made. You should never have to guess the total amount that credit repair services will cost. You should not have to pay a “retainer” to any credit repair organization that promises ongoing and unlimited credit repair services. The cost for any services that will be provided should be clear, concise, and have an end date.
A full and detailed description of the services to be performed by the credit repair organization, including all guarantees of performance and an estimate of the date when the services will be complete (or the length of time needed to perform services). Do not be tempted to work with any company that claims to have “insider secrets” that they cannot share with you when comes to YOUR credit profile. The services that will be provided by the credit repair organization should be clearly written. Additionally, any guarantees and claims such as increased credit scores should be written and include an end date. Do not accept any verbal warranties, guarantees, or claims.
The credit repair organization’s name and principal business address. Be wary of any credit repair service that will not provide you with a physical business address where your information will be located as they access your credit file. Companies that only list a post office box as their principal business address may be fraudulent, and who knows what they could be doing with your personal information.
Terms of cancellation. A conspicuous statement in bold face type, in immediate proximity to the space reserved for your signature on the contract, must read as follows: “You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation at any time before midnight of the 3rd business day after the date on which you signed the contract. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right.” The law allows you three days to cancel your contract without penalty. Take this time to thoroughly review the contract and get any questions answered.
A ‘Notice of Cancellation’ form. Each contract shall be accompanied by a form, in duplicate, which must have specific wording and include the heading ‘Notice of Cancellation’. For your convenience, this notice of cancellation form must be included in case you decide during your three day grace period that you do not want any services performed. If your contract does not contain this form, be wary. This may indicate that you are not working with a legitimate credit repair organization.

Visit the official website of the Federal Trade Commission to view the full text of the law regulating credit repair organizations and credit repair contracts.


Legitimate credit repair services can indeed be very helpful as you get your debt under control. When you know your rights a

Now Pay Close Attention —

One bad mark on your credit report can ruin your score. But now there are two reasons you don’t have to suffer through a bad credit score:

[Reason #1] Under FACTA, you have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months.

[Reason #2] With FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free.

My Free Credit Reports has been providing free credit reports and scores from all three major credit bureaus since 1997. And FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring has been tried and tested and known to produce excellent results.

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Most importantly unlike other monitoring systems there is no cost involved! You never need to pay anything!

Fast Credit Repair

You are literally seconds away from discovering My Free Credit Reports. You have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months. And with FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free. Visit: and obtain your one FREE COPY of your Free Credit Report from each of the three major credit bureaus for free.

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Credit Repair – 5 Ways the Law Protects Consumers Against Deceptive Credit Repair Organizations

February 10, 2011 6:00 pm Published by

Credit Repair – 5 Ways the Law Protects Consumers Against Deceptive Credit Repair Organizations

If you have bad credit, legitimate credit repair and/or credit restoration services can be a big help if you are trying to establish creditworthiness. The problem is, there are companies that prey on people with credit problems. Title IV of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (Public Law 90-321, 82 Stat. 164) was developed to protect consumers by prohibiting deceptive practices by credit repair organizations.

Here are 5 ways the law protects you against deceptive credit repair organizations.

1. Credit repair companies must “provide prospective buyers of their services with the information necessary to make an informed decision and may not use deceptive advertising”. Beware of any credit repair services or organizations that will not answer ALL of your questions fully and completely, or that make claims that seem too good to be true.

2. Credit repair companies “may not make any statement, counsel, or advise any consumer to make any untrue or misleading statements to any credit reporting agencies”. Beware of any credit restoration organization that claims to have the ability to add false items or remove detrimental (yet accurate) items from your credit report as this cannot be done. Legitimate credit repair organizations will create a clear, affordable, and achievable plan that will help you establish creditworthiness, not claim to be able to alter items on your credit report.

3. Credit repair companies “can not make any statement, counsel, or advise any consumer to make any statement where the intended effect of which is to alter the consumer’s identification.” There are credit repair organizations that may claim to be able to give you a new social security number, allowing you to start over with a brand new credit file. Beware. This is illegal. No organization other than the federal government can provide you with a social security number.

4. Credit repair organizations “may not charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration for the performance of any service before such service is performed.” Beware of any organization that demands full payment of thousands of dollars for services in advance. This is a sure sign of a rip-off.

5. You have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization within three (3) business days from the date you signed it. If you sign a contract with a credit repair service and want to take your time reading it, you have three days to think it through. Take this time to get any afterthought questions answered by the credit repair organization. You may also take this time to get your contract reviewed by an attorney.

Remember, all credit repair organizations are not bad. There are legitimate credit repair services that can really help you establish creditworthiness so you can back on your feet. Read the full text of the law regulating credit repair organizations at Click Here To Visit My Free Credit Reports
View Your Scores & Reports Free Within 6 Minutes From Now!

Second: Sign Up For FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring
Most importantly unlike other monitoring systems there is no cost involved! You never need to pay anything!

Now Pay Close Attention —

One bad mark on your credit report can ruin your score. But now there are two reasons you don’t have to suffer through a bad credit score:

[Reason #1] Under FACTA, you have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months.

[Reason #2] With FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free.

My Free Credit Reports has been providing free credit reports and scores from all three major credit bureaus since 1997. And FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring has been tried and tested and known to produce excellent results.


Fast Credit Repair

You are literally seconds away from discovering My Free Credit Reports. You have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months. And with FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free. Visit: and obtain your one FREE COPY of your Free Credit Report from each of the three major credit bureaus for free.

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Starcraft 2: For the Swarm

February 2, 2011 6:00 pm Published by

Google Tech Talk September 10, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Alex Do and Taylor Parsons. Hear HDStarcraft (one of the top Starcraft commentators) and Painuser (a top-level Terran player) speak on the development of e-sports with the coming of Starcraft 2, Starcraft 2 strategy, high-level play and commentary, and… well… more Starcraft 2. In addition discussing Starcraft and e-sports, they will providing live commentary on the finals match of the Google Starcraft 2 tournament. Come and see what all the fuss is about, and witness the battle prowess of your fellow Googlers! SPEAKER INFO: Alex “HDStarcraft” Do is one of the foremost Starcraft 2 commentators, amassing over 57 million views on his YouTube channel ( as well as hosting the highly featured HDH Invitational tournament during the beta. Taylor “Painuser” Parsons is a Diamond-level Terran player ( currently one of the top Terran players in North America, with a 70% win ratio. He has also been featured in PC Gamer, as well as several high-profile tournaments, including the HDH Invitational.
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SPC (Standing Policy Committee) on Utilities and Environment. Items: UE2011-01 Glenmore & Bearspaw Water Treatment Plant Upgrades (final report), UE2011-02 (NM2011-02) Fluoride.
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