Categories for Organizing to Repair Credit

Personal Debt Relief Advice ? Tips To Eliminate Debt And Repair Credit

February 20, 2010 4:03 pm Published by

Personal Debt Relief Advice ? Tips To Eliminate Debt And Repair Credit

It’s tough to know who to listen to these days. Every other person on television is an economic expert, who talks about how the economy is or isn’t getting stronger. What the average consumer knows better than economists is how tough things are on personal debt. Many are looking for good, solid credit advice to see them through the times.

Credit advice can be found any number of places. Assuming that the consumer doesn’t have any one in the family who is an expert, it means seeking one out. There are free credit advise or counseling services, and organizations who can provide counsel. If a consumer is sensing that budgeting is not working well for them, then this type of counseling may help him get back on track.

For those whose finances have gotten out of control or are so behind in payments that the bill collectors and dun notices are stacking up, it may be beyond simple counseling. It may be time to seek credit advise from debt relief or resolution companies. There are four types of basic credit advise that they’ll give the consumer. The options are debt consolidation, debt settlement, debt management or bankruptcy. Outside of winning the lottery, these are the four solutions and each comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. That’s where getting good credit advise is important.

Professional debt relief and resolution companies have seasoned and expert counselors on staff, who can work with a consumer and set out an individual plan of action for them. They look at the whole situation and all of the circumstances before offering advise, and will include the consumer at all times. Making a decision on what form of debt relief to employ should be educated and considered one, and regardless of how expert and good credit advice seems, the consumer should make the final decision.

As a part of this type of credit advise, it is also important for the consumer to become educated on new financial practices and develop new spending habits. Even if a financial settlement plan becomes successful, the only way to make it a permanent solution is to change those things that cause it in the first place.

Credit advise is easily given if the giver has no financial obligation in the situation. Check references and credentials before making the first appointment. There will be far more likelihood for a successful resolution when the right advisor is selected to being with

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Fast Credit Repair is a matchmaker in the debt settlement industry. They have paired up thousands of consumers up with debt settlement companies who are most likely to get consumers the best deal.

contact us for free debt advice = 8884442820 28.01.2010 Globalization has signified the expansion and interconnection of world markets, but paradoxically stronger and more effective national action is essential to achieve global cooperation. How can global cooperation be advanced as nation states become more interdependent? Samir Al Rifai, Prime Minister of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Michael Froman, Deputy Assistant to the US President; Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economic Affairs, USA HRH Haakon of Norway, Crown Prince of Norway; Chair of the YGL Global Redesign Task Force; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Values Indra Nooyi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo, USA; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum; Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business George Yeo Yong-Boon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Singapore Moderated by Lord Malloch-Brown, Senior Adviser, Global Redesign Initiative, World Economic Forum
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November 18, 2009 12:45 pm Published by


Free Credit Repair

Every consumer who uses credit has a credit record — and is it ever powerful.

Every time you apply for credit or a loan, creditors obtain your credit record to verify your worthiness. But, the use of these reports has broadened. Insurance companies have begun to use them to determine premiums or deny coverage. Potential employers may even want to check out your credit worthiness.

If you are hampered by a low credit score, you may do well to make use of credit repair service to improve your credit score.

Rising interest in credit scores

Today, a credit record is more than just a dry report on how many credit cards you have and whether you made every auto payment on time. Credit recording agencies often distill consumers’ reports into a three-digit number called a credit score — and that number alone can determine whether you get easy monthly payments or loan-shark rates. It’s not surprising that as credit scores become more important, consumers are taking more interest in these three-digit numbers. A high score saves you money, a low score costs you. This fascination with credit scores has led to more interest in repairing credit to increase scores.

Unfortunately, as the demand for credit repair rises, the opportunity for scams becomes more prevalent, says Marta Moakley, an assistant attorney general in Florida.

“As our economy becomes sluggish and debt levels rise, more people turn to companies that specialize in credit repair for help. Consumers need to be aware that there is potential for fraud.”

The need for such a service is obvious. Practically every consumer has inaccurate or outdated information on a credit report from one of the three major credit bureaus, says Steve Rhode, president and co-founder of, a nonprofit agency that counsels people in financial crisis.

These errors can be costly, and it’s up to the consumer to get them corrected. The credit bureaus are not obligated to root out errors and provide accurate information. Their job is to record the information presented to them by creditors.

Call for help?

So, if your score is low or your credit report is inaccurate, what are your options? It’s like hanging wallpaper — do you call a professional paperhanger, or tackle it yourself?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act says consumers can dispute mistakes in their credit files for free. But it will take time. Correcting one error may average four hours, says Rhode. That includes applying for your credit reports, reviewing and highlighting errors, documenting the mistake, typing up your letter and mailing it.

Credit repair services offer, for a fee, to do this daunting legwork. They pull credit reports, review for errors and send out dispute letters along with documentation. They add professionalism. They save you time. Some promise to erase bad credit — 100 percent guaranteed. Others advertise they can remove bankruptcies from your credit file forever.

These repair services, however, don’t have any secret remedies for erasing bad credit. Neither you nor the credit repair service has the right to remove accurate and current information from your credit report. The bottom line is: Credit repair services can’t do anything for you that you can’t do for yourself, free.

The mysterious repair shops

Are credit repair clinics fulfilling their promises to improve credit scores? It’s hard to say. We contacted five credit repair clinics to learn about their guarantees and success stories, but not one was willing to talk.

The consumer service agencies were more than willing to talk.

Steve Baker, Director of the Federal Trade Commission in Chicago, says a prevailing myth about credit repair is that there are loopholes in the federal law that allows poor credit to be erased. It doesn’t exist.

He says that in the past four years the FTC has not seen a legitimate credit repair clinic. “It’s possible that these clinics are providing legitimate services to customers, but I’ve not seen it yet. When the law says that bankruptcy remains on your credit report for 10 years, just how can it be legally removed?” questions Baker. “And, later when you’re asked in a credit application if you’ve ever filed for bankruptcy, will you lie?”

He cites an example of one consumer who was told to steal his bankruptcy record from the county courthouse, so that the credit bureau could not verify its accuracy.

Dramatic? Yes. But it poses a good question — how are credit repair services removing bad credit?

“If the credit repair service offers guarantees within the Fair Credit Reporting Act,” says Steve Rhode of, “then it’s doing the job. Credit repair services get sleazy when they promise to do a job that’s just not possible. They promise to remove accurate, but negative information.”

“Scams occur,” says Marta Moakley, “when consumers pay fees for services that are never performed, or the consumer is misled on the services provided. Too often the consumer can’t afford to lose this money.”

Worse yet, consumers have paid money upfront — and the company disappears.

“Credit protection and credit repair” scams are one of the top consumer complaints reported to the FTC. The actual dollar amount lost by consumers to these scams is difficult to calculate, says Baker, because many people are too embarrassed to complain. But, the FTC estimates the loss to consumers is easily in the millions.

“This is an equal opportunity scam. Everyone has a credit report; anyone can suffer from a poor credit history,” says Baker.

Steve Rhode knows of consumers who paid 0 to ,000 for credit repair services. Do-it-yourselfers can expect to pay for a consolidated credit report — a report that provides your credit history from the three major credit bureaus — plus the value of their time.

Finding a reputable company

You may still decide to go the credit repair service route. Here’s how to let your fingers cautiously do the walking through the yellow pages.

Do your homework. Research the company before your first visit. Contact the Better Business Bureau to see if the firm has had any consumer complaints. Check with your state attorney general’s office or other state consumer agencies to find out if there are any pending legal investigations. The FTC warns against relying on chambers of commerce or other trade associations where membership is based solely on a fee.

Know your rights. Credit repair services must follow specific guidelines from the Credit Repair Organizations Act, which are intended to protect consumers. You should receive an explanation of these rights before signing a written contract. Read them.

You should receive a contract with all of the following information:

The payment terms for services, including their total cost
A detailed description of the services to be performed
How long it will take to achieve the results
Any guarantees they offer
The company’s name and business address
Remember the grace period. The credit repair company cannot perform any services for you until you’ve signed a written contract and completed a three-day waiting period. You may cancel the contract without paying any fees during this period.

“There are no quick fixes in credit repair,” insists Moakley. “Common sense tells you that a third party doesn’t know your credit history better than you. Through contacting credit bureaus, making your own corrections, consolidating your debts and budgeting, you can improve your own score. You don’t need to pay someone to fix it for you. Apply that money toward your debt.”

Fast Credit Repair

John is a DJ and radio producer by trade who has performed in the U.S., Russia, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia & Kosovo. Through a strange twist of fate he found himself working in the debt consolidation and debt settlement field in Chicago. John has a great interest in charity work as well.

His other interests include fitness, science & technology, modern medicine, poltics, world events and pop culture.

Related Organizing To Repair Credit Articles

Credit Repair Services and How to Deal With Them

October 10, 2009 8:05 am Published by

Credit Repair Services and How to Deal With Them

In times of financial crisis if you are stricken with bad credit you need credit repair to be done. And the first step you is approaching a professional service as you are not equipped to deal with the bureaus and agencies yourself. But you need to know a few things about the services as they are not all very honest in their dealings and you could land up in a sticky situation.

There have been instances of services tricking customers and misleading them about their legal rights to make them lose their hard earned money. To prevent such service organizations from fraudulent dealings, The Credit Repair Organization Act was brought about to arm consumers with information on their legal rights and about how to choose and pay for credit repair services.

Organizations that repair credit cannot provide consultancy with the aim to make you provide false information on the history of your credit to creditors. They cannot change your identity by getting a brand new employer identification number to reshape your credit record. They cannot ask for payment unless they have provided you with the services they promised and misrepresent you in any way.

Under federal law, credit repair services are required to disclose fully about obtaining credit reports called the Consumer Credit File Rights under State and Federal Law. You can sue them if they violate the law. The contract that they are required to sign with you providing three business days for cancellation if required, should also contain the amount of payment and the services that they would offer. It should also contain an estimated time frame for completion of their repair service as well as a clear statement that also provides you with the option of cancellation free of cost.

The contract should carry a cancellation notice in the shape of a form that you can use to cancel the service within 3 business days if you want. For waivers of any rights under the law, CROA, they cannot make you sign a contract as it would be void. In the event of violation of the law, you can sue them for damages and report to FTC or your state’s attorney general. There is a 5 year time period to press charges for scams by credit repair services.

Fast Credit Repair

Are you stuck in bad debt? Having hard time to secure any loan? or do you have a bad credit rating? Learn how to repair your credit easily even if you have no credit building experience. Visit here to know more on credit repair

NO spammers! Im building a strategy too increase my fica credit rating and open credit card accts.. advice?

September 25, 2009 11:20 am Published by

Question by Big Lance!: NO spammers! Im building a strategy too increase my fica credit rating and open credit card accts.. advice?
I work from home and own a business, now that things are growing i plan on needing a line of credit etc.. i used too have 15 credit cards, department store, jewelry, furniture/visa/mastercard etc… i closed all of them 8yrs ago. that was a mistake as now i have had some spots on my credit and i cannot get credit etc.. i have operated off of debit cards for years now. i own a business and work at home so i have the time and home office too get organized and tackle all of my credit report issues and resolve them etc… i have paid off many auto loans ( installments) and revolving credit accts * credit cards. i have never screwed any lenders or businesses on any debits/loans etc…. the negative shit on my credit history is a 25 thousand dollar entry for medical bills that a guy sued me for in a fight. the reality is that i was a correction officer in a prison years ago and a felon was released after 4yrs. he recoginized me at a blockbuster video store and attacked me with a large chain. i reacted to defend myself and he ended up with over 25k in med bills and he sued me! lol.. a judgement was awarded as he purjured himself and his scumbag lawyer went after me for the amount. i refused and i will never pay a dime and somehow this judgement continually appears on my credit report. this issue has hurt my credit obviously, this judgement was in 1997. i have not heard from he or his scumbag lawyer. Im trying too simply fix my credit and raise my credit score and just qualify for some visa/mastercard etc…also eventually i would like too have a small business credit line and a credit card or 2. i have the option of pre paid secure card accounts thru my bank. i would like to start their and begin negotiating with the credit trw type places. please no spammers with overnight scams on credit repair. im simply seeking answers from those that have knowledge or experience/advice. I appreciate all answers and your time! thanks… do you guys know of a free credit report site that doesnt offer spam or sign ups or my debit card info etc… it seems that these sights want too pull you in and bill ya right away….. a free report helps me figure out where im at and then maybe i could pay for a service if that is necessary. IDEAS? OPINIONS?
why i was sued is irrelevant! i love that compliment by the poster that it doesnt make sense? REALLY? oj simpson being found not guilty makes no sense!

your comments, MAKE NO SENSE! how bout this, lets answer the question! and it has too do with credit!!!

Fast Credit Repair
Best answer:

Answer by Onefish
You may be tubed on the judgment part. In many (but not all states of course), judgments tend to run for 10 years and can get extended by an additional 10 years. It sounds like yours was extended, so you will have that on your record at least until 2017–and it may stay on your credit for the 7 years or so after *that*.

So, with that in mind, your best bet for your business is to incorporate your business (if it is not already) and start trying to create business credit that is independent of you SSN. I would go to sites (or books) that can walk you through that process.

Overall, I think you are pushing water uphill to try and get credit leverage on your personal credit history with that judgment out there.

Addendum: I would be careful about the advice that after 7 years, things “fall off” your credit. That may be true for credit card activity, but that is not the case for judgments. I’ll give you a hard example: say the judgment is recorded in your county. You buy a house–and don’t pay off the judgment–and some bank actually give you a loan. Your judgment creditor could come in and try and execute against your house–and “strip” your bank of its position as a first/second on the mortgage/trust deed. (Assuming there’s enough equity to make an execution worthwhile). The *bank* would have to pay off the judgment creditor if it wanted to hold its position on your trust deed. No bank is going to stand for that…accordingly, there’s a good reason why judgments stay on your credit–even past 7 years. Statutes of limitations aren’t an issue–you presumably were already sued in the limitations period…and got a judgment against you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Is Using A Debt Consolidation Service A Good Way To Repair Credit Score?

September 13, 2009 9:00 pm Published by

Is Using A Debt Consolidation Service A Good Way To Repair Credit Score?

Are you trying to figure out whether or not consolidating debt will help you repair bad credit? If you’ve been having credit difficulties, you are probably already worried about trying to fix your credit score.

Financial trouble can make it difficult for a person to get an apartment, mortgage, or car loan when they really need one. Contacting a debt consolidation service can be a great way to start the process of becoming credit worthy again.

Hector Milla Editor of the “Best Debt Consolidation Services” website — — pointed out;

“…If you are looking into consolidating loans, you are probably already having a hard time paying your monthly bills. The missed payments that you are trying to avoid will have a very strong negative impact on your financial future, so it is very important for you to keep paying your bills. It is important to remember what a negative impact missing payments has on your debt records…”

Debt consolidation services can help you create a regular record of paying your obligations on time. When you change your payment structure into one monthly payment instead of many, you increase the chances that you will be able to keep up on bills. Frequently, your new loan will require a smaller and more affordable monthly payment than your old, spread out obligations. This has the benefit of allowing you to build up a positive report, because you pay what you owe on time every month.

“…By reducing your late or absent bills and creating on time payments, using a service that allows you to owe money to one financial organization instead of many can help you repair a weak credit score. When you are searching for the right service, be careful to choose one that will create a lower payment structure than what you already have so you increase your chances of being able to pay money you owe on schedule every month. This will help you build a solid financial base…” H. Milla added.

Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting;

Fast Credit Repair

Hector Milla runs his corporate website at where you can see all his articles and press releases.