Categories for Organizing to Repair Credit

Bad Credit Report Repair– Solving the Problem

September 10, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

Bad Credit Report Repair– Solving the Problem

It is possible to fix your bad credit, with time, patience and determination. The first step in repairing poor credit is fixing any problems you may have with money.

1) Get a credit reports on yourself and check out what is on them. To get yours free go to You are allowed by U.S. law to get a free copy from each of the three major credit companies once every 12 months.

2) Once you have your credit reports, check them for accuracy. If there are any errors or things you disagree with, you are entiltled by the Fair Credit Reporting Act law to dispute anything in the report that is not accurate. Write to the credit reporting company and explain what the problems are. They will then investigate the matter and let you know what happens. If they find the information is not accurate, they will fix that on your credit report.

Unfortunately you can’t remove anything negative that is accurate information about you. Only time can do that. But adding more good information does help.

3) If your credit needs repair, start work on it now. Start paying off old unpaid debts and loans, starting with the smallest ones.

4) Start paying more than the minimum payment on your current credit card payments.

5) Do not get into any new debt. This is essential. Make it a priority to get out of debt. Cut up (or lock up) the credit cards, if they are a problem for you. Make it a commitment to become debt free.

6) Live within your means. Make a budget and live by it.

7) Start saving money. If you have poor credit, it is much easier to buy a home or a car with a cash down payment, than without one.

There are many sources of help available. Consumer Credit Counseling Service is one of the best for help repairing credit and getting debt under control. Their website is located at Consumer Credit Counseling Service provides budget counseling, educational programs, debt management assistance and housing counseling. There are also many local branches of this nonprofit organization, so check for one near your location.

There are many “for profit” organizations that will help you with debt consolidation loans, but beware! They often are very expensive. You can get free reliable help that you can trust from a non-profit organization like Consumer Credit Counseling Service instead of paying hundreds of dollars to one of them. Or, you can educate yourself and do it for free.

Some other good places to go online for more credit and financial advice are listed on my website at

Fast Credit Repair

Mark Henry is the author related to Credit Repair Software, Bad Credit Repair Credit Repair Software Kit only at Buy Credit Repair Software to repair your credit rating, to raise your credit score and to maintain an excellent credit score.

Bad Credit Repair – Do it Legal and Right!

September 5, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

Bad Credit Repair – Do it Legal and Right!

There’s a lot of bad credit repair offers on the web today making bold claims to “increase your credit score by 100 points in 30 days! Guaranteed!” Or something like that. But beware! These bad credit repair systems can end up making your credit worse in the long run.
So what do you do if you’re faced with extreme errors? For instance, a mortgage or car company that keeps reporting your payments as late, even though you’ve caught up (this happened to a friend of mine). These types of dings on your credit can keep you from getting good interest rates, and may even cause you to be turned down flat by lenders! It is estimated that 79% of all credit reports contain errors. That’s a lot of errors and these errors cost Americans millions of dollars in interest every year.

But going head on with a mortgage or auto lender is like the proverbial “tilting at windmills.” Once they ding your credit – they won’t write a letter to the credit bureau retracting it! That would open them up to all kinds of liability issues. This is when you need to seek credit repair legal advice.

But before you seek bad credit repair advice (from an attorney or any other company) we wanted to give you some helpful information so that you can make a more informed decision about what to do.
What Exactly is Credit Repair?

Credit repair is the term that refers to challenging inaccurate, misleading, or unverifiable information on credit reports to improve the credit score.
Is Credit Repair Legal?

Yes, but there are illegal credit repair programs you should be aware of! For example, while it is legal to challenge negative items on your credit reports that you believe to be inaccurate, misleading or unverifiable, the accurate information is supposed to remain on your credit report.
It is also entirely illegal to create a “new” identity by applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to use instead of your own Social Security Number. An EIN number is the number that the IRS gives to a corporation for tax purposes. To use this for credit repair is called file segregation – in order to escape responsibility by hiding one’s credit history. The use of File Segregation is a crime and can result in fines or serious jail time. This is a road you don’t want to go down.
Why Should I See A Credit Repair Law Firm And Not Just Get One Of Those “Do It Yourself” Credit Repair Systems?
First off – major errors are very hard to remove on your own.

A TRUE STORY: I have a friend who filed for bankruptcy in New York. She paid off all her debts and the bankruptcy was discharged. About 6 months later a SECOND bankruptcy filing appeared on her credit, along with a discharge. Then a THIRD one! This made her look like someone who abuses the system (filing for bankruptcy to stop collections, then canceling it without paying her bills). Needless to say her score was absolutely tanked! It took her over 18 months to get just ONE of the mistaken bankruptcies removed. She’s still working on the second one today.
Secondly – these supposed “sure-fire” credit repair systems might ruin your credit! Many of them encourage you to (or claim they will do it for you) challenge everything on your credit (good AND bad). Unfortunately this can result in removing the “good stuff” also. And as any lender will tell you, NO credit history is often times worse than BAD credit history!

A TRUE STORY: I sell cars in Phoenix Arizona and imagine my surprise when I pulled a 52-year old customers credit one day and all that was there was his name! ZERO credit score, ZERO open loans (or closed loans for that matter). He might as well been born yesterday. The thing was, he had an open car loan! So the banks knew he had “washed” his credit, which made him look suspicious. Unfortunately no bank would touch him at any rate of interest so he went home without a new vehicle that day.You may think I made this up because you have been told it wasn’t possible, well, it is possible. I saw it with my own eyes.
This type of credit repair is illegal! If an item is old and questionable, that can be challenged and removed. A good credit attorney will know the difference and keep you out of trouble and get these items removed, thus improving your credit score.

Aren’t There Laws Regulating The Credit Repair Industry?
There are indeed. The most prominent one is theCredit Repair Organizations Act (CROA). This became law in 1996 to protect the public from unfair and deceptive advertising practices in the credit repair industry. Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigates complaints about credit repair organizations and takes appropriate legal action. Unfortunately it takes them a long time to operate and you could have your credit damaged further by using one of these companies.

Here Is How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Unscrupulous Credit Repair Companies.

· Avoid any credit repair company that will not tell you your legal rights and what you can do yourself for free.

· Avoid any credit repair company that tells you to relax and let them do it all. In other words, don’t contact the credit bureaus yourself.

· Avoid any credit repair company that tells you they will dispute everything (good, bad or ugly).

Avoid any credit company that suggests creating a “new” credit identity – and then get a new credit report by applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to use instead of your Social Security Number. Remember – This is illegal and can have serious consequences.

Talk to a real credit repair agency. We have an excellent credit law firm on our site that specializes on LEGAL credit repair! I would invite you to go there and see for yourself how they can help solve your problems.

Fast Credit Repair provides up-to-date information for people

with bad credit. Providing auto loans, mortgages and refinance options,

credit cards, credit counseling, personal loans, identity theft

protection and advice & tips on saving, budgeting and getting out of

debt. Founded by Dewey & Leslie Kearney who understand bad credit

because they’ve been there too!
Site dedicated to helping you find credit solutions

Home briefs

September 5, 2010 5:00 am Published by

Home briefs
Home shoppers are invited to free September seminars to learn about budgets, mortgages, credit issues and inspections.
Fast Credit Repair
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Teachers front and centre at great Games
It has already been two weeks since our fair city hosted the Ontario Summer Games, but even now I feel it hard to shake that warm and fuzzy feeling that happens when things go largely according to plan.[…]
Fast Credit Repair
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Professional Credit Restoration Organization-freedom of Choice

August 26, 2010 5:00 am Published by

Professional Credit Restoration Organization-freedom of Choice

When it comes to credit repair, there are many professional organizations out there who are willing to help you with this monumental endeavor.  It takes a lot to make repairs to bad credit and it can seem to be overwhelming if you try to do it on your own.  That’s why these professional organizations were formed and they can be invaluable for you.

 Many of these professional organizations who work to repair credit are known as credit counselors or debt consolidators.  And they are everywhere.   You can’t turn on a television or radio without hearing an ad for a company who will help you raise your credit score and repair your credit no matter what financial shape you are in.  But don’t fall for all the “hype”, you can do it yourself, learn alot about the system, and avoid future pitfalls, save lots of money and heartache and get it done right.

 The truth is that many of these organizations really can help a person repair their credit and do so in a very professional way.  They will work with you to assess exactly where your credit is and where you want it to be.  They will help you set goals and then do what they can to help motivate you to achieve those goals.

 Of course, there are some professional credit repair organizations who aren’t exactly on the “up and up”.  They will make outrageous claims in their advertisements such as they have the ability to completely erase bad financial records, create a new credit identity for you, and even erase bankruptcies that are on your credit record.  Stay away from companies who make any claims that are even a little similar to these.

 You should also avoid credit repair companies who ask for a fee up front before any work is done to repair your credit.  Some of these so-called professional credit repair organizations also will not disclose your legal rights to you in the event that you may decide to not secure their services thus causing them to lose money.

 There is a school of thought that says you don’t even need the services of a professional credit repair organizations since credit repair can be done by you, yourself.  But as I said before, it’s not that difficult of a process.when you have the special, step by step guides, created for the purposes of improving one’s credit.  Something for the average “joe or jane”.    If you want to secure the services of a professional credit repair organization, do your research into the company and check out their reputation and track record.  If they seem like they are legitimate, be sure to read through any and all paperwork they provide you with and monitor their progress yourself.  If anything makes you uncomfortable, fire them immediately and go to work repairing your credit yourself.

 When you find yourself in a situation where you need to make serious repair to your credit, a debt consolidation loan or a debt management program may be the way to go.  Credit repair isn’t “rocket science”.  It is something you can do yourself if you have the right tools.  That’s why the guides from Debt-Credit Repair 750 are invaluable when it comes to credit repair.

 A debt consolidation company can help you repair your credit by obtaining a lower-interest loan that will pay off your creditors and allow you to make just one payment to one company instead of several payments to several companies.  They can also contact your creditors to get a lower payoff amount so that the final amount of the debt consolidation loan you’ll need to repair your credit could be lower.  You can do that too.

 A debt management company does much the same as a debt consolidation company when it comes to credit repair.  They also obtain a loan to help consolidate your debts, but they also provide counseling services that will help you manage your debt and get you well on your way towards repairing your credit.  You can do that.

 When you are looking for a debt consolidation or debt management company to help you repair your credit, there are a lot of things you need to look for.  First, check out their references and make sure they are on the “up and up”.  Their reputation can say volumes about their true abilities to help you repair your credit.  Check with the Better Business Bureau and see if they are registered with them and if any complaints have been filed against them. Do extensive research when it comes to finding a debt consolidation or debt management company.  Credit repair is very important to you and your life.  It’s too important to your life and future to let anyone handle it beside yourself.  It’s personal..

Fast Credit Repair

The Author Alphonso Smith, has written two books. GOOD CREDIT MATTERS and GOOD HEALTH MATTERS. He also is a fledgling internet marketer Check out our website: and

Do Credit Cards Improve Your Credit

August 25, 2010 5:00 am Published by

Do Credit Cards Improve Your Credit

Do Credit Cards Improve Your Credit

Gone are the days as soon as bankruptcy was regarded as being a taboo; nowadays filing for bankruptcy is quite a commonplace phenomenon. Without the need of giving it as much as a thought, numerous thousands of Americans are facing bankruptcy every year.

Your credit rating and score is based on a few prime factors, there is no specific order in which I will discuss them (Some of them have higher weights in regards to the score). Repayment history, current debt owed, recent credit checks, and registered income (there are other factors as well). To repair or raise your score you must follow some of the steps provided below.

Your account balances make up the next category. The relationship between the balance and the credit limit on your revolving accounts is a major factor. Anyone involved in a credit repair effort should minimize their revolving balances as much as possible. The relationship amidst the current balance and the original balance on installment loans is additionally taken into consideration. This category makes up 30% of your score.

Credit reporting agencies are organizations that assist credit card companies, debt companies, banks, and departmental stores in the country to ascertain the credit worthiness of their would be clients.

Plus, to fix your credit number, you will ultimately want to get the debt removed from your credit score report by either getting the collector to agree to delete the item when you pay in full or by receiving the credit bureau to delete the item.

At last, it can be said that bad credit tenant loans are the benediction for all sorts of bad credit individual borrowers. People with bad credit score number, CCJ’s , Arrears, late costs, defaults all should enter an application for these loans. And furthermore, as no collateral is required with these loans, thus a tenant must easily repair his credit rating in a risk-free way.

A great credit rating need to be at least best credit and over so you must get loans at a low interest. You should possess done well this year but matters could improve more than the following 12 months so if you need it to stay which way, monitor where moneyis going simply because with regards to spending too much, there is no 1 to blame except yourself.

Discover how to improve your credit score with credit repair software that’s 100% guaranteed.

Fast Credit Repair

John Stocker is a credit repair specialist. Visit his credit repair website and download his free report and discover the secrets to increasing your credit score by 200 points guaranteed!

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