Categories for Organizing to Repair Credit

Credit questions ans answers

September 30, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

Credit questions ans answers

A Prepaid Credit Card that does not charge a montly allowance?
Does anybody know of a prepaid credit card that does not charge a monthly fee? I am 14, and would close to to a have a reloadable prepaid card for use online. I HAVE hear of the Greendot Prepaid Visa card, but I am not fond of the service, and besides, they charge .95 a month. So if anybody can provide me with information and/or a prepaid credit card that does not own a monthly fee (and competent to be issued to a 14-year old), that’d be great. Thanks for your time!

A press going on for my current credit gain and where on earth it be?
i have a ranking of 635…but i went low contained by labout 3 months and not because of late payments…at hand was 2 returned checks…due to unforseen curcumstances…whcih i explained to the credit card companies and waive my feeswhich after i opened up 4 strange accounts..closed 2 cards and got denied for 4 cards…where on earth was i the way dont peacemaker.. i know it crazy and stupid what i did but i know in 6 months below par be back on track.

A Question About Getting An Apartment!!?
How do I know if my credit is good satisfactory to get an apartment? It’s not my first (it’s in truth my 3rd) but my credit has changed for a time. Any websites that can give me insight on what to expect when I start padding out these apartment applications?

A Question About Interest. REPOSTED?
I wasn’t as clear the first time through as I should have be. Here is the same ask with better details. I did achieve one good answer the first time though.I bought a motorcycle from Honda at 9.9% interest. I be told that I could pay it stale early if I needed and that would effectively reduce my interest. So I compensate extra on the monthly amount. The payment is 5 but I other pay 0 or better. The extra is supposed to stir towards the principle but last month I salaried 5 so dollars is supposed to go towards the principle but they applied more towards the interest and with the sole purpose towards the motorcycleWhat’s up with this? I can’t ask them around it until tomorrow.So in essence my interest closing month was this month it be $ 65. The statement clearly states that any payments made in excess to the standard is applied towards the principle. There is no check box.

A Question About Interest.?
I bought a motorcycle from Honda at 9.9% interest. I was told that I could payment it off precipitate if I wanted and that would effectively stifle my interest. So I pay extra on the monthly amount. The donation is 5 but I always settle 0 or better. The extra is supposed to go towards the principle but end month I paid 5 so dollars is supposed to run towards the principle but they applied more towards the interest and only towards the motorcycleWhat’s up near this? I can’t ask them about it until tomorrow.So contained by essence my interest last month be this month it was $ 65.

A Question on Balance Tranfers?
Currently I have a 624.00 match on my capital one card, near and apr of 20/55%. I got an tender for a GM Flexible Earning Card. Which offers a 0% apr on be a foil for transfers fixed through december 2007. Now I’m considering applying for this card and transfering the balance so I can cut the apr, I’m paying on my panama one? Can you explain how it work and does it seem approaching a good thought?Out of the 624, 200 is mine the rest is my mom’s, helping her pay some bills. She requests me to apply for this card, so that she can have one for an emergency if anything comes up. Because the current card I enjoy is 00 and I don’t know what the GM will be.So should I get this card to bring the balace tran and be able to payment off the bonnet one card faster. It also would help near getting a car within the near adjectives, what are your thoughts?

A quiz something like credit..?
As a person who’s never used a credit card until that time, I’m hoping someone can give me pious advice on what my first credit card should be. Also, what’s the best track to find out about my credit chalk up? Again all answers are appreciated and I thank you.

A server moved out a summons higher than my mailbox, am I legitimately binded to it?
Last night a server go knocking at my mom’s door, my sister told him I did not live here. The server left, and this morning my mom found a court summons for me on an OLD debt. Am I rightfully binded to respond now, since the summons be not signed for and was not here at my moms front mailbox? Hopefully I’m making sense, since I’ve only have 2 hours of sleep… Thank you in advanced…

A sound out nearly the Prepaid Visa Card (debit)?
I am 16, can I get one at my local Rite Aid?Without a drivers licence?Can you use it at unbeatable card you can purchase is 0 I need it to be 0 for my iPod. How do I use the Greendot reload article.. Do I have to linger so long before loading another hundred on it?Please answer to what you know.

A suspicious christen from a mound?
i got a suspicous call upon from CIBCwhere i have an article. he asked me about the mobile banking service. and he also asked me if i am a full time student and my birthday and postal code. i must be bewitched!! and i told him those stuff. Note: the time he call me is afer the operation time of banking, it’s around this a fraud? is my money undamaging? im sooo worried. what should i do? i already froze my account but still he know my personal information.

A Tax department Anywhere contained by the San Fernando Valley? Recomendations, suggestions?
Just like alot of other things including ruin officesIn the pallid pages, the numbers seem to be to be either disconnected, the guy is out of the organization until the second Tuesday of next weeketc etc..after calling nearly 4 pages, looked on file, same deal pretty much a short time ago. Ok so has anyone have a good experience near any Tax office department in the San Fernando Valley?

A Viciuos Circle..?Read on.?
Hi all, I’m surrounded by a Vicious circle.I was paying an elderly Poll Tax Bill at lb80 a month, been doing this for almost a year, However, last November I did not pay packet it, I had profoundly of bills that month which consequently meant that my details was aimless before the standing instruct was fufilled.Half means of access through December I got a memorandum from the council stating that a Detatchment of Earning was going to be taken from my wages.I agreed the fact that this money be going to come out of my account surrounded by Jan pay packet.However come Jan, they took out lb450. that vanished me totally broke, I only have enough departed to pay my rent and a few other things.My loan be not paid nor be my credit card because I had nil left.This month I own found out that the bank remunerated my loan anyway but because of that and lb100 worth of charges has vanished me lb320 overdrawn.Another DOE come out again, this time lb244(which is the last one)But in a minute I still have solitary enough to compensate my rent.So I’m in a vicious circle.

a vietnamese want to retribution my ocean shells using L/C?
a Vietnamese want to pay my deep-sea shells using L/C or letter of credit , is memorandum of credit ok ? how does it works ? do i have to settle for the shipping of the shells to his country , he is going to oder 11 tons of shells .

A week ago I get my credit report from Experian UK…?
My rating on the report was 854 out 1000 I am on the electrol roll enjoy no defaults or CCJs. I applied for a credit card and today I received the note saying I be refused because of my credit ranking. I contacted the company and all they said be that I could appeal if feel they be wrong to refuse me. I own one other credit card which is always remunerated for on time respectively month and two other small credit (catalogues) which I always remunerated on time too.Can anybody distribute my any advice and what can I do to add to my credit rating?Thanks

Abandoning credit debt.statute of restriction?
My brother owes ,000 spread out to 5 different credit cards. The accounts just lately went into collection. My brother get a job tender in England so he will be departure the country atleast 10 years if not for always. According to the statute of limitations all that debt will be written past its sell-by date in around 7 years right?

Abbey National – Cutting my overdraft!! Please facilitate?
My ban k own sent me a letter maxim that next month they are adjectives my overdraft down from lb1700 to lb500!I can’t afford to pay it adjectives of by the time they cut the overdraft limit and am going to inccur loads of charges! Are they allowed to bequeath me an overdraft and then simply take it away?

About 10 yrs ago, I have my sports car repo’d by someone while I be at work. Can they do this?
I was call down to the lobby and asked for my car key by a repo man. I was a touch taken by surprise. I was 1 donation behind and call the company who owned my car loan the subsequent day to find out how to get hold of it back. I have to pay a 0 dollar allowance for a 2 day storage on the motor. I overnight expressed the payment to the loan company and salaried them 0 dollars for 2 days worth of storage and for the fee of the motor re po man. I drove 50 miles from home to pick up my car and the guy who have my car charged me roughly speaking 0 dollars for storage on his lot. I thought that is what I remunerated to the loan company. Was he allowed to do that or was he mortal a crook trying to scam money because he knew I have it. Is there anywhere to report the guy?

About 6 years ago i default on just about 8000 surrounded by credit cards? Its almost 7 years,?
Should I try to dispute them or just lurk until they come off my transcription?

About a month ago my girlfriend moved surrounded by next to me and have to break her lease.?
They said she needed to give 30 days distinguish and she could cancel three months untimely. Anyway she got a message in the messages after she turned in the key saying she owed for january and is in arrears. She called the prevalent office and said whoever told her at the leasing bureau was wrong and she cant break the lease. They already changed the locks on the door but not a soul lives there. She does not hold anything in writing since it be a conversation in the organization and she wrote the letter stating she is moving out. She is very soon liable for the next 3 months and we own a morgage payment and cant afford the lease at her hoary place. What would be the plan of action. Thanks

About credit cards?
How much money does a person inevitability to make within a year to be approved for a credit card? Are there any credit cards out in that for people who don’t manufacture a lot of money?

About credit?
for someone who never had a credit history. Is getting a cell phone plan and paying the bill on the dot going to build credit?and by how much?2. what is considered good credit? show me some numbers/figures

About dept colection companys?
I had a dept next to a company then I recived a memorandum from a dept collections company asking for payment, I didnt recive any corespondence from the company I owed the money to unfolding me it had be referd to a dept collections company. IS THIS LEGAL? the company I owed the money to still gave me the substitute to pay past its sell-by date what I owed them, with no mention of a referal to any dept coloection company, so I compensated what I owed direct to the company I owed it to. now the dept colection company is describing me I owe them lb10 in authority charges CAN TEY DO THIS? shorly if it had be referd to this dept collection company, the company I originaly owed the money to should have withdrawn adjectives meens of paying them direct, and informed me that any money owing was to be rewarded to the colloection company and not them. wher do I stand on this. will I end up paying the dept collection company ther lb10 admin tax or is it between the company I owed and the dept collection company to sort out among themselv

About how copious points will credit move about up?
I have a friend I am helping to augment his credit score beside making him an authorized user on some of my accounts. He has singular 40 credit score points since he’s at 620. How many points, on average, does an “excellent” credit history add on per credit card?

About how long does it clutch to build up credit?
I’m a college student and up until now I’d never have a credit card or anything like that, so I didn’t enjoy ANY credit. But I bought a car contained by January of this year. I’ve made one payment so far and the second one is coming up soon. How long does it purloin for me to earn credit if I never had any prior to this?

About my credit?
I want to remove a collection from my credit history, but I am kinda confused. When I got the bill be in Feb. 28, 2004 shortly after that I moved within Mar. 5, 2004 (barely paid within about a month ago). I be told that I could show the collections agency this and they could remove this from my credit history. Is this true?

About Online Shopping i call for to know?
Hi well i bought something sour the internet By Using PayPal, Since i closed my account will it still charge me ? Because i hear now that the internet isnt really reliable for ur credit card numbers and such and that it can transport my money while i dont know about it. Well since i closed my side on Paypal i wanna know if im still vulnerable that their stealing my money.

About student loan consolidation?
I have 2 student loans. One of them is through American Educations Services, and the other one is through Sallie Mae. I’m have a hard time keeping up near both of them along with my other bills (rent, vehicle, insurance, etc.) What is the best way to turn about consolidating them together, or is that even possible? Thanks surrounded by advance.

Advice for buying a coupé after chapter 7 ruin?
Has anyone been contained by this position? I was discharged from chapter 7 collapse at the end of March 2007. I am surrounded by need of a vehicle. Any warning would be appreciated.Thank you

Advice for Cleaning up Bad Credit?
Hi, I have pretty unpromising credit and want to clean it up but dont know where on earth to begin (besides conspicuously paying off debts etc.). Is in that a good online service that can provide you guidance on what steps want to be taken to clean up credit. Basically, I necessitate someone to help me identify where on earth to begin…gratitude!

Advice for eliminate credit card debt.?
I have ,000 surrounded by CC debt. I owe 0,000 on my home and have a second mortgage on my home for ,000. I am WAY at the rear on the CC’s. getting calls every daytime. If my home is worth 0,000 can i take out another mortgage for the full efficacy of my home? My credit is obviously unpromising. I also understand I will own to pay PMI again but I newly want this stress out of my life. any suggestions on trellis sites would be usefull as well.

Advice on Building Credit when borrowing against a disc?
have you used this method of building credit?if so how did it effect your credit?Is it better to start beside a small 0 cd and work my way up every six months?example: 0 cd consequently 00, then 00, consequently 00, then ,000 ( every six months)?or merely start with a 00 cd? (6 months or a year)Thanks~ building credit and repairing credit is similar to another job.

3 credit card debt , same edge , money available, which to earnings?
I have three credit cards at duplicate bank. One have a debt of 12,500 , the other 15,000 , the 3rd 2500. I have 15,000 within cash , should I foot off one of them? or devide the money between the three surrounded by percentages?. The wall charges the same interest rate for the 3 cards.

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Related Organizing To Repair Credit Articles

How To Improve Bad Credit With Credit Cards

September 29, 2010 5:00 am Published by

How To Improve Bad Credit With Credit Cards

A habitual delay or missing payment for the money loaned would hurt credit rating badly. This usually happens with people who has committed the mistake in managing their finances.

Having bad credit history would mean keeping you from the ability to make loans for home or car mortgages, rent an apartment and even prevent an individual from getting hired. This is because many employers view of owning a bad credit is the lack of responsibility.

Since credit is an essential part of the general public, it is good news that people with bad credits are given a chance to fix their ratings.

There are TV or ads that promise in helping people to make a credit overhaul. Sometimes, there are telemarketers offering to do the same. Though some of them are vredible, there are still a number of them that are fraudulent.

However, there are a number of things that can be done personally to rebuild credit.

People make a mistake of running away from their creditors. It is a better gesture to be the first one to call the credit card company rather than waiting for them to do the first move. In doing so, creditors would have an idea that there is still a desire to make the payment. Paying no heed to creditors will most likely merit a report to the credit bureau.

A good number of creditors are not as tough as people often think they are. These companies are more than willing to discuss other options for repayment which would fit the budget of cardholders.

Being hesitant in pushing through rebuilding of credit could pose a problem. This is why free credit counseling is made available to be of assistance in working out a strategy and making a financial plan. Certain credit card organization, banks, or even employers offer in providing counseling programs.

Being denied of services such as a credit, any insurance or even employment would entitle a person to get a copy of the credit report for free. This should be asked for during the 60 days of the said denial. Once the credit history report is obtained, the first step for repairing credit is cleared.

Credit is usually denied because of incorrect information or credit information may be incomplete. The company who denied their services holds the responsibility to give the credit bureau’s name and location. Should there be any wrong or inaccurate information, a dispute can be made to correct them. Though this appeal is free, a solid proof as to the false information should be produced. Clarifying the credit information will aid with the credit repair.

A regular review of the credit report is encouraged to know whether the credit is improving or not. The significance of this is to ensure that the information is correct, complete and current. This also would determine if one is already eligible to make a loan. Most important is to aid in guarding an individual from an identity theft.

Making moves in repairing a bad credit and ensuring a steady improvement with it is the most important means to guarantee the continuous enjoyment of owning a credit card. It is wise to be a responsible card user, keeping in mind that being able to keep a credit card is a great privilege.

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Finance, Credit, Investments-modern Interpretation

September 28, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

Finance, Credit, Investments-modern Interpretation

Finance, Credit, Investments – Economical Categories. Modern Interpretation


Scientific works in the theories of finances and credit, according to the specification of the research object, are characterized to be many-sided and many-leveled.

The definition of totality of the economical relations formed in the process of formation, distribution and usage of finances, as money sources is widely spread. For example, in “the general theory of finances” there are two definitions of finances:

1)            “…Finances reflect economical relations, formation of the funds of money sources, in the process of distribution and redistribution of national receipts according to the distribution and usage”. This definition is given relatively to the conditions of Capitalism, when cash-commodity relations gain universal character;

2)            “Finances represent the formation of centralized ad decentralized money sources, economical relations relatively with the distribution and usage, which serve for fulfillment of the state functions and obligations and also provision of the conditions of the widened further production”. This definition is brought without showing the environment of its action. We share partly such explanation of finances and think expedient to make some specification.

First, finances overcome the bounds of distribution and redistribution service of the national income, though it is a basic foundation of finances. Also, formation and usage of the depreciation fund which is the part of financial domain, belongs not to the distribution and redistribution of the national income (of newly formed value during a year), but to the distribution of already developed value.

This latest first appears to be a part of value of main industrial funds, later it is moved to the cost price of a ready product (that is to the value too) and after its realization, and it is set the depression fund. Its source is taken into account before hand as a depression kind in the consistence of the ready products cost price.

Second, main goal of finances is much wider then “fulfillment of the state functions and obligations and provision of conditions for the widened further production”. Finances exist on the state level and also on the manufactures and branches’ level too, and in such conditions, when the most part of the manufactures are not state.

V. M. Rodionova has a different position about this subject: “real formation of the financial resources begins on the stage of distribution, when the value is realized and concrete economical forms of the realized value are separated from the consistence of the profit”. V. M. Rodionova makes an accent of finances, as distributing relations, when D. S. Moliakov underlines industrial foundation of finances. Though both of them give quite substantiate discussion of finances, as a system of formation, distribution and usage of the funds of money sources, that comes out of the following definition of the finances: “financial cash relations, which forms in the process of distribution and redistribution of the partial value of the national wealth and total social product, is related with the subjects of the economy and formation and usage of the state cash incomes and savings in the widened further production, in the material stimulation of the workers for satisfaction of the society social and other requests”.

In the manuals of the political economy we meet with the following definitions of finances:

“Finances of the socialistic state represent economical (cash) relations, with the help of which, in the way of planned distribution of the incomes and savings the funds of money sources of the state and socialistic manufactures are formed for guaranteeing the growth of the production, rising the material and cultural level of the people and for satisfying other general society requests”.

“The system of creation and usage of necessary funds of cash resources for guarantying socialistic widened further production represent exactly the finances of the socialistic society. And the totality of economical relations arisen between state, manufactures and organizations, branches, regions and separate citizen according to the movement of cash funds make financial relations”.

As we’ve seen, definitions of finances made by financiers and political economists do not differ greatly.

In every discussed position there are:

1)      expression of essence and phenomenon in the definition of finances;

2)      the definition of finances, as the system of the creation and usage of funds of cash sources on the level of phenomenon.

3)      Distribution of finances as social product and the value of national income, definition of the distributions planned character, main goals of the economy and economical relations, for servicing of which it is used.

If refuse the preposition “socialistic” in the definition of finances, we may say, that it still keeps actuality. We meet with such traditional definitions of finances, without an adjective “socialistic”, in the modern economical literature. We may give such an elucidation: “finances represent cash resources of production and usage, also cash relations appeared in the process of distributing values of formed economical product and national wealth for formation and further production of the cash incomes and savings of the economical subjects and state, rewarding of the workers and satisfaction of the social requests”.  in this elucidation of finances like D. S. Moliakov and V. M. Rodionov’s definitions, following the traditional inheritance, we meet with the widening of the financial foundation. They concern “distribution and redistribution of the value of created economical product, also the partial distribution of the value of national wealth”. This latest is very actual, relatively to the process of privatization and the transition to privacy and is periodically used in practice in different countries, for example, Great Britain and France.

“Finances – are cash sources, financial resources, their creation and movement, distribution and redistribution, usage, also economical relations, which are conditioned by intercalculations between the economical subjects, movement of cash sources, money circulation and usage”.

“Finances are the system of economical relations, which are connected with firm creation, distribution and usage of financial resources”.We meet with absolutely innovational definitions of finances in Z. Body and R. Merton’s basis manuals. “Finance – it is the science about how the people lead spending `the deficit cash resources and incomes in the definite period of time. The financial decisions are characterized by the expenses and incomes which are 1) separated in time, and 2) as a rule, it is impossible to take them into account beforehand neither by those who get decisions nor any other person”. “Financial theory consists of numbers of the conceptions… which learns systematically the subjects of distribution of the cash resources relatively to the time factor; it also considers quantitative models, with the help of which the estimation, putting into practice and realization of the alternative variants of every financial decisions take place”.

These basic conceptions and quantitative models are used at every level of getting financial decisions, but in the latest definition of finances, we meet with the following doctrine of the financial foundation: main function of the finances is in the satisfaction of the people’s requests; the subjects of economical activities of any kind (firms, also state organs of every level) are directed towards fulfilling this basic function.

For the goals of our monograph, it is important to compare well-known definitions about finances, credit and investment, to decide how and how much it is possible to integrate the finances, investments and credit into the one total part.

Some researcher thing that credit is the consisting part of finances, if it is discussed from the position of essence and category. The other, more numerous group proves, that an economical category of credit exists parallel to the economical category of finances, by which it underlines impossibility of the credit’s existence in the consistence of finances.

N. K. Kuchukova underlined the independence of the category of credit and notes that it is only its “characteristic feature the turned movement of the value, which is not related with transmission of the loan opportunities together with the owners’ rights”.

N. D. Barkovski replies that functioning of money created an economical basis for apportioning finances and credit as an independent category and gave rise to the credit and financial relations. He noticed the Gnoseological roots of science in money and credit, as the science about finances has business with the research of such economical relations, which lean upon cash flow and credit.

Let’s discuss the most spread definitions of credit. in the modern publications credit appeared to be “luckier”, then finances. For example, we meet with the following definition of credit in the finance-economical dictionary: “credit is the loan in the form of cash and commodity with the conditions of returning, usually, by paying percent. Credit represents a form of movement of the loan capital and expresses economical relations between the creditor and borrower”.

This is the traditional definition of credit. In the earlier dictionary of the economy we read: “credit is the system of economical relations, which is formed while the transmission of cash and material means into the temporal usage, as a rule under the conditions of returning and paying percent”.

In the manual of the political economy published under reduction of V. A. Medvedev the following definition is given: “credit, as an economical category, expresses the created relations between the society, labour collective and workers during formation and usage of the loan funds, under the terms of paying present and returning, during transmission of sources for the temporal usage and accumulation”.Credit is discussed in the following way in the earlier education-methodological manuals of political economy: “credit is the system of money relations, which is created in the process of using and mobilization of temporarily free cash means of the state budget, unions, manufactures, organizations and population. Credit has an objective character. It is used for providing widened further production of the state and other needs. Credit differs from finances by the returning character, while financing of manufactures and organizations by the state is fulfilled without this condition”.

We meet with the following definition if “the course of economy”: “credit is an economical category, which represents relations, while the separate industrial organizations or persons transmit money means to each-other for temporal usage under the conditions of returning. Creation of credit is conditioned by a historical process of fulfilling the economical and money relations, the form of which is the money relation”.

Following scientists give slightly different definitions of credit:

“Credit – is a loan in the form of money or commodity, which is given to the borrower by a creditor under the conditions of returning and paying the percentage rate by the borrower”.

Credit is giving the temporally free money sources or commodity as a debt for the defined terms by the price of fixed percentage. Thus, a credit is the loan in the form of money or commodity. In the process of this loan’s movement, a definite relations are formed between a creditor (the loan is given by a juridical of physical person, who gives certain cash as a debt) and the debtor.

Combining every definition named above, we come to an idea, that credit is giving money capital of commodity as a debt, for certain terms and material provision under the price of firm percentage rate. It expresses definite economical relations between the participants of the process of capital formation. Necessity of the credit relations is conditioned, from one side, by gathering solid quantity of temporarily free money sources, and from the second side, existence of requests of them.

Though, at the same time we must distinguish two resembling concepts: loan and credit. Loan is characterized by:

·         Here, the discussion may touch upon transmission of money and also things form one side (loaner) to another (borrower): a)under the owning of the borrower and, at the same time, b) under the conditions of returning same amount or same quantity and quality of the things;

·         The loaning of money may bear no interest;

·         Any person may take part in it.

With the difference with loan, credit, which is somehow a private occasion of the loan, represents:

·         One side (loaner) gives to the second one (borrower) only money, and _ for temporal usage;

·         It may not bear no interest (if the assignment doesn’t foresee something);

·         In it creditor is not any person, but a credit organization (at the first place, banks).

So, a credit is the bank credit. To our mind, it is not correct to use “credit” and “loan” as the synonyms.

Banking crediting is the union of relations between bank (as a creditor) and its borrower. These relations touch upon:

a)      Giving a certain amount of money to the borrower for definite purpose (though, we meet with the so-called free credits, aims and objects of crediting are not appointed in the assignment);

b)      Its opportune returning;

c)      Getting percentage rate from the borrower for using the sources under his/her disposal.

The essential foundation of the credit essence and its important element is existence of trust between the two sides (in Latin “credo”, from which comes the word “credit”, means “trust”).

From the position of circulation of money forms (in the abstraction, historical process of formation economical relations and social budget and banking systems expressed by them) comparing different definitions of finances and credit, the paradox conclusion appears: credit is the private occasion of finances. And truly, from the position of movement of the money forms, finances represent the process of formation and usage of the funds of cash means. Very often such movements are fulfilled without returning, but sometimes, it is possible to give loans from the budget for the investment projects of other needs. Also, when a manufacture or corporations use their cash funds and we mean the finances of industrial subject, such usage may be realized as inside the manufacture or corporation (there is no subject about returning or not returning of the usage), so gratis under conditions of returning. This latest is called commercial form because of transmitting the sources to others, but even in this occasion, it is the element of financial system of the manufacture and corporation.

From the point of cash means movement, main character of credit is the process of formation and usage of the funds of cash means under the conditions of returning and, as a rule, taking the value-percentage. If gating the credit value doesn’t take place (even in the exceptional occasions), according to the movement form, credit becomes a private occasion of finances, as from the net financial funds (consequently from the state budget) the loans which bear no interests may be used. If gating credit value takes place, by the appearance form, credit is discussed to be financial modification.

From the historical point of view, finances (especially in the sort of the state budget) and credit (beginning with usury, later commercial and banking) were developing differently for considering credit to be the part of finances. Though, from the genetic-historical point of view, previous loaners, before giving loan, needed gathering the permanent capital not returning, that is the net financial foundation. The banks analogously needed concentration of the important own capital for influxing the consumers’ means and for getting higher percentage rate under the conditions of returning. Herewith, exactly on the financial basis, in the sort of financial fund (which later partially becomes loan fund) part of the bank capital appears to be the reservation (insurance) part of the fund, which by nature is financial and not loan. So notwithstanding the essential distinctions between finances and credit form the genetic-historical point of view, credit appears to be formed from finances and represent their modification.

From the essential position of expressing economical relations of finances and credit, we meet with cardinal distinctions between these two categories. Which mostly expressed by the distinction of the movement forms notwithstanding they are returnable or not. Finances express relations in the aspects of distribution and redistribution of social product and part of the national wealth. Credit expresses distribution of the appropriate value only in the section of percentage given for loan, while according to the loan itself, a only a temporal distribution of money sources takes place.

Herewith, there is a lot of common between the finances and credit as from the essential point of view, so according to the form of movement. At the same time, there is a significant distinction between finances and credit as in the essence, so in the form too. According to this, there must be a kind of generally economical category, which will consider finances and credit as a total unity, and in the bounds of this category itself, the separation of the specific essence of the finances and credit would take place.

Funding of the cash means is common to the researched economical categories. It takes place in any separate system of finances and credit, which have been touched upon during the analyses of defining finances and credit. Word combination “funding of the cash sources (fund formation)” reflects and defines exactly essence and form of economical category of more general character, those of finances and credit categories. Though in the in economical texts and practice, it is very uncomfortable to use a termini, which consists of three words. Also, “unloading” with an information hardens greatly its influxing into the circulation even in the conditions of its strict substantiation and thoroughness.

In the discussing context we consider:

1)      wide and narrow understanding of economical category of the finances;

2)      discussing finances in narrow understanding under general traditional meaning;

3)      discussing finances, as funding of the cash means, in wide understanding, which concerns finances – in narrow meaning and credit – in complete meaning.

Termini “funding” and its equivalent “fund formation” are used by us as the purposeful structuring of cash means, which is based on two poles – accumulation of money sources (gathering) and its usage for definite purpose in the way of financing and crediting.

We have established a new termini – “finance-investment sphere” (FIS). Analyses about interrelation of finances and credit made by us give us an opportunity of proving, that in the given termini, the word “financial” is used with the meaning of funding cash sources, its purposeful structuring. In this process we consider at the same time financial, credit and investments’ economical categories.

Let’s sum up middle results of discussing new concept – “finance-investment sphere” and discuss its investment consisting parts.

The concept “investments” was brought into the native economical science from the West. In the Soviet economical science they for a long time used in the place “investments” the termini “capital placement”, which expressed the usage of the industrial factors in the sphere of real industrial activities during realization of capital projects. From one glance, this termini in its concept is identical to the “investments”, consequently it is possible to use them as synonyms. Though the termini “investments” and “investing” have the advantage towards the termini “capital placement” from linguistic and philological points of view, because they are expressed with one word. This is not only economical and comfortable in the process of working with the termini “investment” itself, but also it gives an opportunity of termini formation. More concretely: “investment process”, “investment domain”, “finance-investment sphere” – all these termini are much more acceptable.

Changing native economical termini with foreign ones is purposeful, if it really matters (by keeping parallel usage of the native termini for the inheritance). Though we must not change native economical termini into foreign ones all together, when by ordinal traditional language easy to explain private and narrow concrete processes and elements get their own termini. The “movement” of these termini is approved in the narrow professional bounds, but their “spitting out” into the economical science may turn economical language into the tangled slang.

Let’s discuss termini – “investment” and “capital placement’s” usage in the economical literature.

Investments are placement of funds into the main and circulation capital for the purpose of getting profit. “Investments in material assets – are the placements of funds into the mobile and real estate (land, buildings, furniture and so on). Investments in financial assets are the placements of funds into the securities bank accounts and other financial instruments”.

We don’t meet with the termini “investments” in the earlier economical dictionary, but we meet the combined termini “investment policy” – the union of the industrial decisions, which guarantee main directions of the capital investments, the activities of their concentration in the determinant suburbs, on which the reaching of planned rates of development of the society production is depended, balancing and effectiveness, getting more and more production and profit of the national income for every lost Ruble”. For today, in the most actual definitions, the capital investments are bounded only by financial means, when not only financial, but also the investment of natural, material-technical and informational resources takes place. Labour resources take an actual place in the investment process. They themselves fulfill this or that investment process.

A positive side of the discussed definitions is that they connect investment policy and capital placements (investments):

–          economical development according to the key directions to the concentration;

–          providing high rates of economical growth;

–          raising an economical effectiveness, which is expressed:

a)      by growing the throw off of the production and national income for every lost Ruble;

b)      by fulfilling the branch structure of the investments;

c)      by improving their technological structure;

d)     by optimization of their further production structure.

Compared with such definition of the investments (capital placement) the definition of investments in the dictionary attaching the “Economics” seems to be unimproved: “investments  – the expenses of gathering production and industrial means and increasing material reserve”. In this definition current expenses (production expenses) are mixed with the investment (capital) expense. Also, not the investment expenses but (though the investments are followed by the appropriate expenses) exactly advancing. It differs from the expenses by that the means (means) are put by returning the advanced values, also, under the conditions of growth, to which the concept-advanced capital is corresponding. the advancing may be realized in the money, natural-material and informational forms.

Except the termini “investments”, there are two more termini related with the investment. They are shown below.

 “Human capital investment” – any activity provided for rising the workers labour productivity (in the way of growing their qualification and developing their abilities); at the expenses of improving the workers’ education, health and raising the mobility of the working forces”. It is very useful to use the mentioned termini, though it needs one correction: the human capital investments do not concern only workers, but also the servants, representatives of every kind of labour.

“Investment commodity, capital goods – a capital.”

In the official manuals of political economy of the reformation time the capital investments are discussed as “expenses for creating new main funds and widening, reconstruction and renewing the active ones”. In this definition the investments (capital placements) during separation of the forms (types) of further production of the main funds are bounded only by main funds (without increases of the circulation funds and insurance reserves): a) creating new ones; b) widening; c) reconstruction; d) renewing. Also, the concept of the industrial gathering appears, at the expenses of widening of basic, circulation funds and also insurance reserves takes place”.

You’ll meet below the definitions of investments from “the course of economy”: the investments are called “placements of fund into the basic capital (basic means of production), reserves, also other economical objects and processes, which request long-termed influxing of material and cash means. “According to the division of capital into physical and money forms, the investments too must be divided into material and cash investments”.

They apportion investment commodity, to which belong industrial and nonindustrial building objects, vehicles purposed for changing or widened technical park and the furniture, increasing reserves and others.

“They call the total investments of production an investment product, which is directed towards keeping and increasing the basic capital (basic means) and reserve. Total investments consist of two parts. One of them is called the depreciation; it represents important investment resources for compensation of renewal till the level of before industrial usage, wearing out and repairing of the basic means. Second consisting part of the total investments is represented by net investments – capital investments for the purpose of increasing basic means”. Depreciation is not a compensation resource of wearing the basic funds out, but it is the purposeful financial source of such resources.

Human capital investment is “a specific kind of investments, mostly in education and health protection”.

“Real investments are the investments in the economical branches and also, they are kinds of economical activities, which provide influxing the increases of real capital, that is increasing material values of the industrial means”. We can agree with such definition with one specification that material and nonmaterial values too belong to the real capital (wealth), consequently science-researching experimental-construction results, various information, education of he workers and others. Such service as organization of the excitable games, also the service of redistribution social wealth from one private person to another (except charity).

“Financial investments represent placement of funds into the shares, obligations, promissory notes, other securities and instruments. Such investments, of course, do not give increases of the real material capital, but they help getting profit, consequently at the expenses of changing the course of the securities in the time of speculation, or distinguishing the course in different places of sell and purchasing”. We share wholly such definition, hence it follows that financial investments (if it is not followed by real investments as a result) do not increase real material wealth and real nonmaterial wealth. According to this context, the expression below is very important: “we must distinguish financial investments, which represent placement of the funds in the ways of selling and purchasing the securities for the purpose of getting profit and financial investments, which become cash and real, moved to real physical capital.”

In the “economical course” quoted before long and short-termed investments are separated. Recognizing the existence of the bounds between them, the authors ascribe short-termed investments to “one month or more” investments. If we get such conditioned criteria, that we can call the investments which overcome the terms of some months, long-termed ones, which is very doubtful and we don’t agree with it. A long-termed character of the fund placement is a significant feature of the investments (short-term doesn’t combine with the concept of investments). Principally, it would be better to point out quick compensative, middle termed compensative and long-termed compensative investments:

–          less then 6 months – quick compensative;

–          from 6 months up to the year and a half – middle termed compensative;

–          more then the year and a half – long termed compensative.

We stopped at the definition of the investments in the capital work “economical course” for the special purpose, as, in it the author tried to discuss the concept of investments systemically and quite completely, herewith the book is published just now.

We’ll return to the discussion the definition economical category of “investments” in different publications in the following chapter. The definitions given here are quite enough for having a notion of the level of lighting up the given category in the economical literature.

What conclusions may be made according the definition of the mentioned economical category in the published works, except the made notions and specifications?

There is quite deeply, concretely and thoroughly defined the concept of “investments”, different definitions in the economical literature; but mostly in every works about the investments discussed by us until now, there is not opened the essence of investments as an economical category. In every monograph, even if it has a title investment, as an economical category, there is given only the definition, concept of investments. But, as the Academician Vasil Chantladze explains, “a concept is a discussion, which proves something about the distinguishing feature of the researched object. A concept out of much essential characteristic features represents only one, and essential in it is only – definition”.

But the categories are much wider; it is “a key, the most fundamental concept of every science”. Economical categories theoretically represent real, objectively existed productive relations. A category is the defining of occasions of existed characters, connections, relations of the objective world. Generally, any educational process is fulfilled by the categories, which give opportunities for dividing the processes and occasions semantically, for expressing the definitions of a subject and realize their specific peculiarities and economical relations of a material world.

Our goal is exactly to substantiate investments – as an economical category and also, as a financial category in the narrow understanding.

Here we apply for another manual thesis made by the academician Vasil Chantladze: “every financial relation is an economical one and every financial category is and economical one, but not every economical relation and economical category is financial relation and financial category”.

In the process of defining the investments, it is important to take in mind the sides of resources, expenses and incomes, because investment, from one side, is the result of the manufacture’s activity, and, from another one, – a part of income, which, in this case, is not used for usage.

Another occasion: it is advisable to discuss investments in two aspects: as a category of reserve and flow, which will reflect exactly the connection between “placement of funds” and “investments”.

As we’ve mentioned above, not long ago, in the well-known Soviet literature the concepts of “the placement of funds” and “investments” were accepted to be the synonyms and concerned to be investment of sources for further production of the main funds and formation of the turnover funds. We meet with such understanding of the concept of “investment” (here, they separate three types of the investment expenses: investments in the basic capital of investments, investments in the house building and investments in the reserves) in the modern economical publications and it is mostly used on the macro level during a statistical analyze of economical processes. In this concrete occasion investment is the category of reserve.

According to the aspect of flow the investments may be discussed in the process of analyzing industrial activity, when it is necessary to learn the variety of the economical relations related with the investments’ further production and formation, sources, objects and subjects, that is on the micro level.

Main distinguishing criteria of different methods of approach towards the concept of “investment” the aspect of prolonging of measuring this showing. Is it possible or not to measure the investment showing separate from the term factor (the norm of gathering, the volume of capital property, the reserves of production and so on). If it is possible, then it is the category of reserve, and if it is not, then it is measured in the section of time and belongs to the category of flow.

Thus, investment, as an economical category, is quite consuming concept. It concerns the elements defining the regularities of function and regulation of the investment domain, privately:

First, resources and values put into the industrial activity. Here, investments may be realized in the following ways:

1.      mobile and real estates (buildings, constructions, furniture and other material values);

2.      cash sources, purposeful bank accounts, credits, shares and other long-termed securities;

3.      owners rights according to the author’s rights, licenses, Now-How, experience and other intellectual values;

4.      the rights for using land and other natural resources, also other owners rights.

Notwithstanding any forms, investments are results of capital gathering. Leading investments – regularity of gathering defines its volume and dynamics and, generally, whole investment activity.

Second, the incomes ruling volume and dynamics of the resource investment. Herewith, we must underline the circumstance, that the process of getting profit, the regularity of its creation, isn’t a constant of the concept “investment”. The factors of production (also the conditions of exploitation of capital values) and selling (market conjuncture), also the process of capital gathering is the leading and important condition only for the investment formation. Though, we underline again, that the process of getting and distributing the income is a significant component of the investment activity.

The transformation of investments makes the basis for the investment activity, which concern the following circles: resources – investment (expense) – capital property – income. The practice of realization such circles of the investments transformation is exactly the investment activity (investing). The investment activity, except the investments itself, concern motivation and stimulation of the capital gathering, relations of capital gathering and ruling, also, totality of the defined level of profitability on the capital and the goals of capital growth.

According to the mentioned above, in the definitions of the investment as economical category sometimes the needed exactness and clearness is not felt, some categories of the wealth are represented tightly enough. For example, real prosperity is bounded only by material estimation. This leads us to the unvalued investment resources in the era of transformation industrial society into the investment one; also to the recognition of yet uninvolved valuable scientific researches in the production, securities turned into speculation objects, and unreal property in the consistence of one and the same parts; to there equalization. On the basis of the made analyses, we can cite a wide definition of the investments together with the leading categories.

Investment resources – are values, invested into this or that project in this or that kind for the purpose of getting profit beginning with material ones, finished with cash.

Kinds of the prosperity are equal to the kinds of the investment resources and is divided into real and cash, consequently into financial resources.

Real investment resources concern all kinds:

–          natural resources;

–          labour resources;

–          material resources, the usage of which is possible in the economical development (buildings, constructions, vehicles and furniture, transport and communication means and so on;

–          investment resources (in the widest understanding, that is from scientific-research and experimental-construction works, till the education potential of the society and till all kinds of gathering useful information, written about every possible, that is typing and electronic bearer).

Cash, consequently financial resources concern every cash means for usage in this way in definite conditions or directed in the sort of investments.

Cash means (resources) turn into the financial resources in the case of structuring of funds of purposeful destination foreseen for investments of this or that kind.

After defining investment resources we can make wide definition of the investments as economical category.

Investments – are the placements of real, financial and intellectual resources into the projects, the fulfillment of which leads us to getting the increases from real wealth, in the material and informational forms. It is followed by a cash (financial) prosperity or its increases (at the expenses of the distribution of the cash means).

As an economical category, investments express economical relations, which are created in the ways of using and formation of the investment resources between the participants of the investment process for the purpose of improving and widening of the enterprise.
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Qoqiauri Lamara

Working place: Tbilisi Iv. Javakhishvili State University

Address: Tbilisi, 2, University St.

Tel.: (+99532) 30-40-66 Web-site: E-mail:

Residence: Tbilisi, Varketili, 159, Gakhokidze St.

Tel.: (+99532) 79-07-10; (+99532) 760595 Mob.: (+99599) 90-60-11

Working experience

Name of employer A republican department of Georgian State Bank (National Bank)

Position Accountant economist

Responcibilities and obligations An inspector of providing accountant-loan operations, cash fulfillment of budget.

Name of employer – A republican department of “MshenBank”

Position Chief economist

Responcibilities and obligations Opening building financing, economical analyzing of capital building

Name of employer Tbilisi Iv. Javakhishvili State university

Position Laboratory assistant of a cathedra, Research worker, Associate professor, Professor.

Name of employer Gori Economical Institute (now State university)

Address of employer Gori, 53, Chavchavadze st.

Working domain Education

Position Professor, doctor of economical science

Date From 1992 till now

Name of employer English private school-college “Nino”

Position Director and founder

Name of employer Scientific research institute of the Ministry of Finances

Working domain Scientific-research activities

Position Chief research worker

Status, degree and published works

(Please attach list of works published during last 10 years)

Scientific degree Doctor of economical science

Scientific status Professor

Quantity of works 108

Monographs between them 14

Manuals between them 5

Quantity of works during last 10 years 84

Quantity of works in the referred magazines 43

How To Build Credit For A Better Future

September 23, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

How To Build Credit For A Better Future

Building credit is building a better future. Nowadays it takes good credit scores to purchase a home, buy a car, and get a credit card and so on. If your credit is bad usually more bad follows. It takes you to find a solution to repair your credit. The fist step in repairing your credit is to take a look at each bill, including your past due bills. Make sure the current bills are paid in full if possible to avoid any more reporting on your credit report. Once you have taken care of your current bills work toward paying off your late bills.

Some current bills such as utilities or other unsecured bills can wait longer than others, so you might want to payoff your secured bills first. Secured bills means that you have more to loose so you want to take care of those first before paying off nonessential bills and risking losing your home, car or whatever you are paying on. Most utility companies will wait on a bill if you don’t have the funds. You may be able to get some help paying utilities.

The Social Services and some Religious Organizations offer support to low-income families. If you have a loan with a bank you might want to contact your lender to see if there are options for reducing your monthly mortgage or car payments. Some banks are waiting for financial burdens to occur and offer a solution, such as refinancing your home or car.

You want to be careful since some of the loans have high interest rates attached. Some loans may even have hidden charges attached so it makes sense to read the fine prints thoroughly so that you are not taking advantage of. Remember you are attempting to repair your credit so finding the best deals is important. This brings us to cut backs.

When we are striving to repair our credits we want to cut back on spending as much as possible. Sometimes we have to do without in order to better our future. Credit repair is the process of building your credit history and reestablishing your life. This process means that you have to look at all angles to find a solution to repair your credit.

When you are searching those angles you need to consider all aspects of what the solutions include. If there are added charges you probably are getting in deeper rather than building a better future and repairing your credit. Debt Counselors, Deb Consolidation, Bankruptcy and other companies that offer credit repair solutions are often the last resort to repairing credit.

Even if you think bankruptcy is the answer you must realize you will need a few hundred dollars upfront to start the process. Lawyers are not cheap! On top of the high prices you will have to pay you will also go through court proceedings as well as many other headaches. Therefore if you can find a way out of debt on your own this is the best solution. If you are in over your head and have nothing to loose it might be wise to ignore your debts. This sounds ludicrous but if you can’t get out this sometimes is the only answer to debt relief.

If you are on the spot and not so deep in debt you might ask your family or friends for a loan, only enough to pay off your debts. You might have to pay interest, but friends and family will often charge less and give you a longer time frame to repay your debt. The solution is often better than applying for a loan to payoff your debts from a bank.

Most lenders at bank are welcoming people that are struggling and take full advantage by finding you a loan with high interest rates. Your monthly installments are often lower, but your price in the end is steep. It makes sense to search all options before deciding which solution for repairing your credit is right for you. Always keep in mind when you are repairing credit that you are working toward a better future.

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