Categories for Organizing to Repair Credit

Credit Repair Business – Rewarding and Profitable

October 12, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

Credit Repair Business – Rewarding and Profitable

Want to start a home credit repair business? If you are looking to start a home business with low startup costs and unlimited wealth creation potential, then the credit repair business may be for you. This business is very rewarding, easy, and inexpensive to start.

It’s all about improving your client’s credit worthiness. Your task is providing help to those suffering financial difficulty. When the problems involve bad credit you’ll help them improve it so they might get loans at better interest rates.

As you improve your expertise in credit repair you will be able to perform your services with a great deal less effort. Regardless of the economy the need for credit repair services will always be there, as there will always be people who have a problem managing their finances; because of this credit repair will always be needed. Therefore your oppotunity for great profits will never be absent.

First a few tips.

Things needed to begin your profitable credit repair business:

– Knowledge of laws that relate to credit and credit repair

– A first-rate training course

– A strong desire to come to the aid of other people and help with their problems

– Knowing how to analyze credit reports and improve credit scores


1. Before you go public with your business, offer your services free to a couple of people. But do ask for a testimonial.

2. Make certain you are familiar with the laws pertaining to credit repair and credit repair companies

3. Think seriously about joining an agency such as the Better Business Bureau. Another organization specifically for credit repair companies is the Ethical Credit Repair Alliance


1. Don’t ever overlooked the needs of your customers. The purpose of your business long-term is to make money, but never do so by neglecting the needs of your client. Over the long haul your business will profit.”

2. Do not become overly hasty in beginning your business; to achieve fast results, the the idea of “fudging” on the law a bit may seem tempting. This is the worst thing you could possibly do!

3. Don’t become so eager to make profits that you neglect to educate yourself about your business first. You would do better to first get a feel for the business by offering a “freebie” to people you know, such as your friends and family, before you offer your services to the public.

All Right, let’s begin

Step 1 Find a quality credit repair business training course. Search the Internet. Choose on the basis of how comprehensive and how affordable the program is. And be sure to remember that you’re looking for value! – in many cases the real value will lie between the high and low ends of the price spectrum.

Get in touch with the merchant. Ask questions. Search for a program that is all-inclusive and yet affordable.

Step 2 Also be sure to supplement your learning from other sources. Learn all you can regarding the law as it relates to credit and credit repair. Although the Internet provides an awesome educational resource, it’s not a bad idea to also engage in some online training in regard to related matters like credit repair laws, debt management and counseling, etc.

Step 3 Network! You will profit a lot through interacting with other people in your business. To begin with its a good idea to seek membership in an association such as the Ethical Credit Repair Alliance that allows you to network with people in your business.

Step 4 Began by offering their services to people close to you. Considering that about 1/4 to 1/3 of all Americans suffer from problem credit, there’s a very good likelihood you already know somebody who can use your services.

Step 5 It’s important you don’t overlook the marketing of your business. Learn to be a good marketer and your chances of success will rise exponentially

Step 6 Provide outstanding service by always putting your customer first! Don’t forget that your number one job is to provide help to people in desperate need. Make this your first priority, and the profits will come naturally.

In the long haul providing exemplary services will put you way ahead, because satisfied customers will refer more customers, who will refer even more customers. Nothing gets the word around about your business like a satisfied customer

Step 7 Keep your business growing. Continue marketing your business based on your expertise and know-how. As your business and experience grows, you will find yourself able to deal with more complicated matters in regard to improving credit reports and credit scores.

You will find that this one of the best ways to generate wealth and enjoy the satisfaction of providing a vital service to your fellow human beings.

The business of the repairing credit is every bit as satisfying as it is profitable! it’s a means that allows you to earn great money by helping your fellow human beings during a time of desperate need.

What more could one ask? Began right now helping people solve their problems.

Fast Credit Repair

Home business is a favorite topic of writer Jim Eastman. Few businesses are as easy to start – or as lucrative – as the credit repair business. Find out more and get a free e-mail course at

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Arizona Credit Services Requirements

October 8, 2010 5:00 pm Published by

Arizona Credit Services Requirements

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, consumers are allowed to contest information listed on their credit report by the three credit reporting agencies, and if necessary, to pursue legal means to correct errors.

Credit repair services offer consumers assistance when working to correct their credit report, as well as other services to help improve your credit score.  Credit repair is legal in all 50 states, though the state of Georgia has stricter regulations than most.  However, within the credit repair field, there are scam artists and less reputable companies who will may not always follow through on their promises.

It is important for you, the consumer, to understand your rights and to know what to expect when dealing with credit repair agencies.  You have the right to obtain assistance with your financial difficulties and are protected against scam artists by state laws.  In the state of Arizona, those laws are laid out by the Arizona Credit Repair Organizations Act.

Arizona Credit Repair Organizations Act

According to the Arizona Credit Repair Organizations Act, it is vital for the people of Arizona to “obtain and use credit.” Furthermore, “consumers have a vital interest in establishing and maintaining their creditworthiness and credit standing.”  Through this Act, the Arizona legislature recognizes that consumers may need to consult and hire credit services organizations who may assist them in reestablishing good credit.

However, the Act goes on to ensure these credit services organizations behave in a responsible and legal manner by recognizing that “Certain advertising and business practices of some credit services organizations have worked a financial hardship on the people of this state, often those who are of limited economic means and inexperienced in credit matters.”

Basically, what the act boils down to support for credit repair agencies and protection for consumers from unfair, misleading or illegal practices by those agencies.  Those protections include:

•    An agency will not charge money solely for referring a client to a creditor who offers them credit on terms similar to those offered to the general public.

•    Agencies can not advise clients to make false or misleading statements in order to improve a buyer’s creditworthiness, credit standing or credit capacity.

•    An agency cannot make untrue, misleading or false statements when advertising or attempting to sell their services.

In addition to these prohibitions, there are certain requirements for Arizona state credit services organizations in terms of the information they must supply to any potential buyer.  Prior to entering into a contract with any credit service agency, the consumer is entitled to a statement.  This statement MUST include:

•    The buyer’s right to review and obtain a copy of any file about the buyer, as maintained by a credit reporting agency.  The statement must also include an approximate price the buyer will pay for a copy of those files.

•    A statement of the right of the buyer to dispute the completeness or accuracy of any information in those files.

•    A complete and detailed description of the services the credit service agency will perform on behalf of the buyer.

•    The amount the buyer is obligated to pay for the credit service agencies services.

Similar rules apply to the contract between the credit service agency and the buyer, including the assurance that a “conspicuous statement” in 10 point font or larger appears on the contract, near the place for the buyer’s signature, which ensures the buyer the right to cancel the contract.  The law ensures the right of the buyer to cancel any contract with a credit service agency without any penalty or obligation within three days from the date the contract is signed.

Fast Credit Repair

Mick Bernard is a Credit Consultant from Scottsdale, AZ. His company Credit Strategies is helping consumers clean up their credit nation wide. For more credit tips visit us at

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Credit Card Debt Consolidation – Your Savior

October 4, 2010 5:00 am Published by

Credit Card Debt Consolidation – Your Savior

If you are plagued with rising credit card debts, you have a lifeline to heal your financial status in form of credit card debt consolidation. With growing trends to use plastic money more than cash and indulgence in paying only interest, burgeoning credit card debts has become a common malady. You are not the only one who is neck deep in debt because of over indulgence in plastic money.

This is quite natural because easy availability and convenient usage provides you ample opportunities for over indulgence and the result is mounting dues and service charges. To address this rampant dispute emerged from careless use of plastic money, several companies have put forth tailor made credit card debt management programs.

Repair Credit Card Debt Dilemma With Credit Card Debt Management Plan

Most of the credit card users nurture more fondness in using multiple credit cards than considering a responsibility in paying their bills. Paying only interest culminates in accumulating higher amounts that you have spent by summing up higher interests, late fees and penalties. In such cases, you may want to negotiate with your creditors to restructure a convenient payment structure, but, do not know how to approach them. Then, it is time to take resort to a debt consolidation company who will take care of handling your credit card debts and all other creditors.

Credit card debt consolidation is one of the safest and easiest tools to help people reduce, and with time, even eliminate debt and take a sigh of relief. The process is simple. These companies have financial experts that help you to consolidate all your outstanding card dues into one easy and affordable loan or plan, which pays off all the outstanding dues, and you have to pay just one convenient monthly repayment thereafter.

A debt consolidation program for credit card related debt might help you by either extending a loan to finance your debts or offering a tailor made credit counseling service, or both. Most of the companies offer online debt consolidation help you to overcome plastic money related debts.

The process sis simple and just by filling a simple online form, you can initiate the process whereby you can avoid the harassment of collection calls and sleepless nights because of multiple loans and dues. These companies have professional expertise and experience to negotiate with your creditors and reach a workable solution that not only saves you the trouble also helps to improve your credit score. Negotiation and debt management services offered by these companies include:

-Substantial reduction in outstanding amount.

-Negotiate to shrink interest rates.

-Make your credit card accounts current by re-aging the accounts.

-If possible, eradicate fees charged for late payment and penalties.

-Help in getting you a new credit card or loan at lower interest and affordable repayment to pay off the previous dues at higher rates.

-Help to organize your finances in such a way that your dependability of plastic money and other loans is reduced and you lead a hassle free life.

-Help to monitor and improve your credit rating.

Credit card debt consolidation companies and loans help you regain your control over your personal finances. This way, by consolidating all your dues into one, you establish complete control over your finances and become free from the anomaly where the cards start controlling you.

Fast Credit Repair

Saurabh Jain writes about personal finance issues like credit card debt consolidation, online debt consolidation and debt management. Visit more articles by this author.

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Enjoy Life Despite Bad Credit With Personal Loans Bad Credit

October 2, 2010 5:00 am Published by

Enjoy Life Despite Bad Credit With Personal Loans Bad Credit


Personal loans bad credit are exclusively meant for the people who have a bad credit history record. The loan offers a low rate of interest and provides an opportunity to withdraw quiet a large sum of money despite bad credit history. Securing this loan is only possible on the submission of collateral to the lender. The amount of loan will also depend on equity value of the collateral in case of secured bad credit personal loans.


There is no need of organizing collateral for receiving unsecured genre of these loans. Bad credit back ground provides a worse influence of every phase of your economic lives. It affects the interest rates of loans, mortgages and remortgages and always ending up in higher interest rates. So, it is wise to review and repair credit record before applying for personal loans. It is vital that you do not end up borrowing loans at a very high interest rate during the time of borrowing such loans. It is also important that you pay off the outstanding debts before getting bad credit personal loans.


Bad credit is the result of arrears on payment, defaults, insolvency, county court judgments, and individual voluntary arrangements. Earlier, such kinds of borrowers were not even considered eligible for getting a loan. But with changing scenario, lenders are willing to tap the increased number of bad credit borrowers and give them an opportunity. A survey says Six out of ten people in UK suffer from bad credit. Bad credit loans are absolutely designed for such borrowers.


So, it is necessary that a loan seeker shouldn’t accept the offer on the basis which lender gives the money speedily. Most of the lenders have official website. Loan seekers are advised that they must get online quote, compare the rates, negotiate if possible and then only choose the right bad credit personal loans offer.

Fast Credit Repair

Jennifer Morva has been associated with Loans. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles. To find bad credit personal loans , secured loans visit

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