Categories for Organizing to Repair Credit

Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair versus Hiring a Credit Repair Company

May 7, 2011 5:00 am Published by

Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair versus Hiring a Credit Repair Company

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With over 80 million people in America with poor credit, the credit repair industry is growing in leaps and bounds. Many consumers recognize that in order to take advantage of all the opportunities allotted to Americans, a favorable credit rating is a necessity. Once you’ve established that you need to remove incorrect, obsolete and/or unverifiable derogatory information from your credit report, now you must decide whether you will do it yourself or use a credit repair company.

The credit repair industry is notorious for attracting scam artist. This is actually pretty common for industries and professions that don’t require licensing. Many entrepreneurs find the credit repair industry a viable, low cost business to start. Some thrive, but many discover that the credit repair business takes knowledge of federal laws, tremendous organization and great communication skills. Many, good intentioned credit repair entrepreneurs hang up and take down their shingles in the same year. Unfortunately, that can leave paying customers in a bind.

Other credit repair companies over promise and under deliver. Guaranteeing specific outcomes in credit repair is a recipe for disaster. In fact, it is as ridiculous as a lawyer guaranteeing a defended that they will be found innocent in a court of law. The attorney can guarantee that she will spend a certain amount of hours on the case. He can even guarantee that he will use the knowledge and experience he has gained from successfully representing defendants in similar circumstances, however he can not guarantee the final outcome. It’s impossible and unethical. What is not unethical is to boast about past results. It’s perfectly fine for credit repair companies to boast about past results in advertisements, but they must be cautious not to over promise. It can certainly be a slippery scope.

The plus to do-it-yourself credit repair is cost. Your cost is as little as buying postage and printing dispute letters. The cons are that most consumers are not well educated about their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Therefore, the success rate of permanently deleting derogatory information is far less than that of a professional credit repair expert, who stays abreast of new laws and new disputing techniques. The other con is that disputing your credit takes time and consistency. Unfortunately, many simply don’t stick with it. They begin the process and don’t complete it. Obviously, when you pay a credit repair expert you are paying for their time, organization, expertise and consistency.

If you decide to do your own credit repair, I highly recommend that you do thorough research online on current credit regulations and find up-to-date sample dispute letters. I also recommend that do-it-yourselfers commit to 3-5 hours a week to focus on researching, writing/mailing dispute letters and following up with the credit bureaus and/or creditors.

If you decide to utilize a professional it is essential that you do your due diligence. Confirm the person or company’s experience. Be sure the company is licensed and bonded, check references (current and/or past customers) and ensure that customer service is a priority. For additional information visit

Fast Credit Repair

Dionna Keels is a National Director with TRW Credit. TRW is a fully licensed & bonded, 9 year old, nationally recognized credit restoration company. We do business in all 50 states & Canada. We work directly with consumers, as well as with Real Estate, Mortgage, Automotive and other professionals in finance driven industries.

We utilize our knowledge of the Fair Credit Protection Act and our years of experience to assist our clients in permanantely deleting obsolete, incorrect & unverifiable information from consumer credit reports usually resulting in 120-220 pt increase on their credit reports.

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Electronic Repair Information

May 2, 2011 5:00 am Published by

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Is Credit Repair Software Necessary?

April 25, 2011 5:00 pm Published by

Is Credit Repair Software Necessary?

Credit Repair Software 101. So, you have made a few financial boo-boos and now you want to repair your credit. Good for you! You can save yourself money by doing this yourself and, despite what many may tell you, you can do the exact same thing that any company or individual can do on your behalf! You have made a good decision!

Instead of re-inventing the wheel by drafting your own form letters to use when dealing with the three major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax), you should consider some software to help pave the way. This software is not really necessary, but can be a useful tool. Especially if you’re one who needs help in organizing and keeping track of where you are in the process. Just as Cinderella’s fairy godmother used her magic wand to make dreams come true, you can use credit report repair software to make yours come true!

Keep in mind that credit repair takes time and requires some tracking to make progress. This means organization is involved. So you’re going to want a software program with tools that not only has tracking abilities but also a way to keep you organized.

My goal in this article is to let you know there are inexpensive software programs that can help you fix your bad credit. They are not necessary, but can be helpful. Three quarters of all credit reports have errors. So you will want to fix them. The software can help you get started in an orderly fashion to repair your credit.

Perhaps you’re a person who is very busy and trying to find time to squeeze one more thing in is impossible. Then a software program may be a necessary option for you.

There are some things you should keep in mind as you work toward restoring your credit:

You should first obtain your credit report from all three credit reporting bureaus.
Only inaccurate information can be removed from a credit report.
Negative entries on your credit report remain a part of the record for at least seven years from the date they were reported. A bankruptcy can remain on your record for ten years.
Do not attempt or agree to create a new credit file. THIS IS ILLEGAL!


Credit repair software can take a lot of the tension out of this process and can save you a substantial amount of money that you would have spent had you hired a credit repair company. While going through this process, be patient and remember to follow through! You can do it!

Why waste time and money? Mr. Ragan has 24 years

Now Pay Close Attention —

One bad mark on your credit report can ruin your score. But now there are two reasons you don’t have to suffer through a bad credit score:

[Reason #1] Under FACTA, you have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months.

[Reason #2] With FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free.

My Free Credit Reports has been providing free credit reports and scores from all three major credit bureaus since 1997. And FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring has been tried and tested and known to produce excellent results.

First: Click Here To Visit My Free Credit Reports
View Your Scores & Reports Free Within 6 Minutes From Now!

Second: Sign Up For FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring
Most importantly unlike other monitoring systems there is no cost involved! You never need to pay anything!

Fast Credit Repair

You are literally seconds away from discovering My Free Credit Reports. You have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months. And with FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free. Visit: and obtain your one FREE COPY of your Free Credit Report from each of the three major credit bureaus for free.

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Credit Repair Companies – Can You Trust Them?

April 24, 2011 5:00 am Published by

Credit Repair Companies – Can You Trust Them?

Credit Repair Companies, generally speaking, have gotten a “bad rap” and not without good reason! A lot of scammers have masqueraded as credit repair agencies, promising to help relieve their clients of their credit problems. But in the end, all they have “relieved” them of is their hard-earned money!

But not all credit repair organizations are crooks! There are many reputable credit repair companies that provide a valuable and much needed service to the consumer.

A poor credit score can dig deep into your pockets and drain away your hard-earned money on excessively high interest rates. At the same time, repairing your credit is a time-consuming process, which requires close follow-up and often specialized and customized appeals for removing inaccurate negative data from your credit report.

You are probably aware that there are a huge number of credit repair companies and credit repair lawyers ready to offer their services, but you don’t know which one to choose. You may have heard too many stories of people being left with nothing to show for their money, and for that reason, you are very wary and indecisive.

Here are five factors that will help you reach an intelligent and informed decision:

1. Professionalism – is the company you are considering professional? Check out their web site carefully and see whether you are comfortable with what you find there.

* Is the website easily navigable?

* Does it have a page with FAQs that can help guide you?

* Do they have a live chat or fast-response email service to answer your queries?

* Is there counseling offered free by the companies?

* Does it make extraordinary claims? (NOT a good sign!)

Check carefully every aspect, and trust both your logic and your gut feelings.

2. Ethical – it is extremely important that the credit repair companies you choose behaves ethically. Do not fall for agencies that claim they can remove all your negative accounts, whether they are being accurately reported or not. You should expect to remove only those accounts which are being inaccurately reported.

Do not be tempted to avail of illegal means to increase your score. You might be inviting more trouble than you could handle. Check on the Internet for reviews or feedback on the credit repair companies you have chosen. Be on the lookout for any reports of scams. Check whether the company is affiliated with reputed organizations such as the ECRA (Ethical Credit Repair Alliance) or the BBB (Better Business Bureau) which will ensure that they adhere to strict codes of conduct.

3. 24/7 monitoring – credit repair means much more than just “credit repair.” It means counseling, education, awareness, and monitoring among other things. Regular monitoring and immediate intervention when negative remarks find their way into your credit report are far more effective in maintaining a good credit score that just repairing it. Are the credit repair companies offering you more? Do they have these ancillary services on their menu?

4. Reasonable – it is true that credit repair companies are in business to turn a profit. However, this should not be at the cost of their clients. The best business relationships, ones that survives time and changes in technology, are often associated with the offer of value-for-money by companies. You need to feel happy about the price and services offered. Research these aspects well enough so that you will be empowered to bargain for the best offer. Do not feel shy about negotiating.

5. Offer solutions – you need solutions. The best credit repair companies are those who are able to draw you out and learn about your problems in detail, so that they can work out a customized solution for you as an individual. This is very important because no two financial problems will be alike, and what works fine for one person might not work at all for another. Look for a credit repair agency that is geared toward offering solutions – “tailor made” solutions for YOU!

Now Pay Close Attention —

One bad mark on your credit report can ruin your score. But now there are two reasons you don’t have to suffer through a bad credit score:

[Reason #1] Under FACTA, you have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months.

[Reason #2] With FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free.

My Free Credit Reports has been providing free credit reports and scores from all three major credit bureaus since 1997. And FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring has been tried and tested and known to produce excellent results.

First: Click Here To Visit My Free Credit Reports
View Your Scores & Reports Free Within 6 Minutes From Now!

Second: Sign Up For FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring
Most importantly unlike other monitoring systems there is no cost involved! You never need to pay anything!

Fast Credit Repair

You are literally seconds away from discovering My Free Credit Reports. You have the right to obtain one FREE COPY of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every 12 months. And with FREE Triple Safeguard Credit Monitoring with email alerts, you’ll stay in touch with your creadit report for free. Visit: and obtain your one FREE COPY of your Free Credit Report from each of the three major credit bureaus for free.

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Credit Report & Repair Scams

April 23, 2011 5:00 pm Published by

Credit Report & Repair Scams

Credit Report & Repair Scams

Newspapers, radio, TV and the Internet are filled with advertisements that offer for a fee to erase accurate negative information in your credit file. The credit repair scam artists who run these ads can’t deliver. Only time, a deliberate effort, and a plan to repay your bills will improve your credit history record. This section is designed to help you understand credit reports and credit repair scams.

Credit Reports

Does your credit report accurately represent you? A recent study conducted by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) found over 70% of credit reports contain errors. Among the principal findings of the report were the following:

* Twenty-nine percent (29%) of the credit reports contained serious errors that could result in the denial of credit.”
* “Serious” errors included false delinquencies, public records or judgments that belonged to a stranger, or credit accounts that did not belong to the consumer; Seventy percent (70%) of the credit reports contained mistakes or errors of some kind, also including the following:

* Forty-one percent (41%) of the credit reports contained incorrect personal demographic identifying information; Twenty percent (20%) of the credit reports were missing major credit cards, loans, mortgages, or other accounts that are critical to demonstrating consumer credit worthiness.

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One of the first steps to credit repair, is understanding credit reports. When applying for mortgages, home loans and refinances, one of the most important factors in determining whether or not you will be approved is your credit. This is true for other important factors as well, such as obtaining lower interest rate auto loans and credit cards. Good credit can open many doors.

If you have had credit issues in the past, or are currently in a situation that will affect your credit, be prepared to address these issues upfront.

The mortgage industry has its own language when it comes to your credit report. Mortgage lenders get their name from the grading system they use. Items that determine your credit rating (A+ to D-) are payment history, amount of debt payments, bankruptcies, equity positions, and credit scores. Credit scores are also known as “FICO” scores, and are used by the mortgage industry to determine credit risk. The higher the credit score, the better the credit risks.

FICO stands for Fair Isaac Company, the company that created the original scoring system. Each credit bureau has its own unique system that allows them to offer a score based solely on the contents of the credit bureau’s data about an individual. A numerical score at one bureau is the equivalent of the same numerical score of another. For example, a score of 700 from Experian indicates the same creditworthiness as a score of 700 from Trans Union or Equifax. However, the calculations used to determine these scores are different for each bureau.

FICO scores range from 375 to 900 points. A score of 650 or above indicates a very good credit history. However, lenders do not necessarily give the same value to a particular credit score, and they do not necessarily use credit scoring!

FICO scoring places a value on the types of accounts you hold, as well as your credit history. The formula that determines your scores, however, is not disclosed to the consumer.

The 5 most important factors to determining your credit score are:

* Your payment history
* The amount of outstanding debt you have compared to your credit limit
* Your credit history
* The types of credit you use
* Negative information

Remember, FICO scores range from 375 to 900 points. A score of 650 or above indicates a very good credit history.

Credit Repair Scams

You’ve seen it in newspapers, maybe even heard it on the radio or television — Erase accurate negative information in your credit file! — The credit repair scam artists who run these ads can’t deliver. Only time, a deliberate effort, and a plan to repay your bills will improve your credit record. This section is designed to help you understand the two top credit repair scams that are circulating newspapers, television, magazines and radio.

Credit Repair Scam #1 – File Segregation

If you filed bankruptcy, you may be the target of a credit repair scam called “file segregation.” In this scam, you are promised a chance to hide unfavorable credit information by establishing a new credit identity. That may sound like a good idea but, file segregation is illegal. If you use it, you could face fines or even a prison sentence.

Credit Repair Scam #2 – New Credit Identity

If you have filed for bankruptcy, you may receive a letter from a credit repair company warning you about the inability to obtain credit cards, personal loans, or any other types of credit for 10 years. For a fee, the company promises to help you hide your bankruptcy and establish a new credit identity to use when you apply for credit. These companies also make pitches in classified ads, radio, TV, and the Internet.

When signing up for the service you will be required to pay a fee and may be directed to apply for an Employer Identification Number, commonly referred to as an EIN, from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Typically, an EIN is quite similar to a social security number and is used by businesses to report financial information to the IRS and the Social Security Administration.

After you receive your EIN, the credit repair service will tell you to use it in place of your social security number when you apply for credit, inform you to use a new mailing address and obtain additional credit references.

That may sound like a good idea but, using false information is illegal and considered fraud. If you use it, you could face fines or even jail time.

Credit Repair Company’s And False Claims

Credit Repair False Claim #1: You will not be able to get credit for 10 years.

Each creditor has its own criteria for granting credit. While one may reject your application because of bankruptcy, another may grant you credit. And, given a new reliable payment record, your chances of establishing additional credit could probably increase as time passes.

Credit Repair False Claim #2: The company or “file segregation” program is affiliated with the federal government.

The federal government does not support or work with companies that offer such programs.

Credit Repair False Claim #3: The “file segregation” program is legal.

It is a federal crime to make any false statements on a loan or credit application. It is a federal crime to misrepresent your Social Security number. It also is a federal crime to obtain an EIN from the IRS under false pretenses. Further more, you could be charged with mail or wire fraud if you use the mail or the telephone to apply for credit and provide false information. Worse yet, file segregation likely would constitute civil fraud under many state laws.

Your Rights Under The Credit Repair Organizations Act

This law prohibits false claims about credit repair and makes it illegal for these companies to charge you until they have performed their services. It requires that companies tell you about your legal rights. Credit repair companies must provide this in a written contract that also spells out just what services are to be performed, how long it will take to achieve results, the total cost, and any guarantees that are offered. Under the law, these contracts also must explain that consumers have three days to cancel at no charge.

Finding Help for Credit Problems
It’s a good idea to try to solve your debt problems with your creditors as soon as you foresee or realize that there is a financial problem. If you can’t resolve your credit problems yourself or need additional help, contact We are a full service debt consolidation organizations with clients nation wide that counsels and educates individuals and families on debt problems, budgeting and using credit wisely. We work directly with your creditors to help resolve your debt problems by negotiating a repayment schedule that is affordable for you and acceptable to the creditor.

Fast Credit Repair

Writing financial and debt consolidation articles for over 10 yrs. Been in the credit counseling biz for as long as well

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