Tips For Raising Your Credit Score For Newbies
The credit score is often the determining factor when it comes to getting approved for a loan or mortgage. For those who do get approved, the score can determine the interest rate that is charged. Having a score just two small points below the threshold for the best rates can cost an individual thousands of dollars. Following some tips for raising your credit score will help prevent that from happening.
Raising the score takes time and any attempts at quick fixes can easily backfire. The key is for an individual to practice responsible credit management over a long period. There are online calculators, including one provided by FICO, one of the major entities that determine credit scores. Reviewing these tools will illustrate just how much money individuals can save by improving their credit scores.
The most obvious way to improve the score is to pay bills on time. The longer period the bills are paid timely, the better the credit score will be. If an account goes into collections, subsequently paying it off will not remove the account from a credit report until seven years have passed. Therefore, individuals should contact the creditor once it is determined that the account cannot be paid on time to see if alternate payment arrangements can be made.
Additional guidelines include keeping outstanding credit card balances low and paying off debt rather than juggling it between cards. Individuals should not close cards in order to raise the score or open cards in order to increase credit. Those new to managing credit should not open a lot of new accounts too quickly because this act will lower the average account age and could make the individual appear as a credit risk. Being considered a risk is worse than the alternative of having little credit information.
Paying bills on time in order to avoid delinquencies or a collections situation is a good way to positively impact a credit report. Other tips for raising your credit score include maintaining low credit card balances and avoiding the act of shifting debt. In addition, exercising good judgment when opening and closing credit card accounts will have a positive impact on the credit score.
Do you need a home, car or other type of loan but have poor credit? Well, it is possible to get an Adverse Credit Loan You can also find out how to get poor credit credit cards to give you a line of credit and improve your credit score.