Repair Credit Score Problems Quickly With These Tips

Repair Credit Score Problems Quickly With These Tips

Everybody wants their credit repair done as quickly as possible.  The phrase “fast credit repair” is searched thousands of times a month.  We live in a time where almost everything is done electronically, in the blink of an eye.  Americans are increasingly expecting results for their efforts to be immediate.  Unfortunately, the credit bureaus and collection agencies aren’t necessarily keeping pace.

There is no overnight fix when it comes to credit repair.  The majority of correspondence is still done via snail mail.  Additionally, credit reporting agencies and collectors legally have 30 days to respond to your letters and we’re clearly moving away from the immediate solutions that we’ve grown used to.

There are however a handful of guidelines to adhere to if you’re truly in need of credit repair done as hastily as possible.

Send Documentation

Each of the three major credit bureaus – Equifax, TransUnion and Experian – has different forms of identification that you need to send with your inquiries so they’ll actually start work on your account.  If you don’t send the right documentation they’ll simply send a letter back asking for the proper documents.  You’ll have wasted a month right out of the gate.  Visit their individual websites to see exactly what you should be sending with your letters to them.

Get Their Signatures

Everything should be in writing.  This includes using certified mail to guarantee that your letters have been received.  This also allows you to start the 30-day clock that most credit reporting agencies and collectors have to respond to your inquiries.  If you send it via regular mail, you create a “he said-she said” situation, which you want to avoid at all cost if you’re trying to quickly boost your credit score.

Dispute with Restraint

The credit reporting agencies will send you a letter stating that they have done no work if they believe you are trying to overwork them.  If you need to dispute several accounts, do so by breaking them up into 5 per letter that you send them.  This will ensure that they won’t use any stall tactics when they receive your letter.

Be Organized

If you’re really looking to repair credit score problems as quickly as possible, your best bet is to remain as organized as possible.  Be assured that if you’re in the right, the law is on your side.  That does not mean that collection agencies, creditors or even the credit bureaus are going to make it easy for you.  But if every time they try to throw up a road block, you’re prepared because of your detailed files and notes, then your credit repair will be a much smoother process.

Remain Patient

Again, credit repair is going to take some time and some hard work on your part.  If you remain patient and don’t allow yourself to get frustrated, the work you put in will be worth it.  It’s always advisable that you keep an eye on your credit scores so you’re not forced into fixing your credit scores quickly.  However, if it’s an absolute necessity, following the tips above will certainly cut some time out of the equation.

Fast Credit Repair is an industry leader with experience in Credit Repair Services and Debt Settlement Solutions.  My Credit Group Inc. – A nationally recognized authority on credit repair, helping people improve credit scores legally and effectively for over a decade.  Consultations are free and credit repair is backed with a no-risk guarantee.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders