Solid Credit Card Advice For Finding A Good Deal

Charge cards are a great convenience and also a way for people to keep their money earning interest in their accounts longer. Excessive credit card debt can be easily avoided if you learn a few simple rules in advance. Read on for some great tips on how to be smart about using your bank cards.

If you see a charge on your card that isn’t yours, talk to your credit card issuer immediately. By doing so you give the credit card company the best chance of catching the thief. This also helps absolve you of responsibility when it comes to the charges. Fraudulent charges can usually be reported by making a phone call or sending an email to the credit card company.

Read the fine print. Always get the full details before signing up for a pre-approved card. Know the details about interest, like the rate and dates. You should also learn of grace periods and any fees.

Credit Card

If you are having hard times financially, be sure to inform the credit card company. You may be able to adjust your payment plan so that you won’t miss a credit card payment. Most companies will work with you if you contact them in advance. They may be less likely to report a payment that is late to the major credit score agencies.

Do not use charge cards to buy items that you cannot afford. Wanting a new TV or game console is not a good reason to put it on a credit card. Remember that the charge will result in the necessary payment of interest, and it might even result in late fees being added to your account when you cannot afford to make an appropriate payment. Take your time outside of the store before making a purchase. If it is still something you wish to purchase, check with the store, as their in-house financing may offer lower interest than your credit card.

Always memorize any pin numbers and passwords for your bank or credit cards and never write them down. Memorizing your password is the only way to ensure that nobody else is able to access it. If you write down a PIN or password, especially if you put it in your wallet with your card, anyone can access it.

Having a credit card can be of great help if it is used properly. The tips in the article should help you through the basics of a credit card, so you can maintain a high credit score.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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