Raise Credit Score

Raise Credit Score

Always pay your credit card bills as early as possible. Don’t fall into the belief that they will have to wait till the bill is due before receiving payment. It only hurts you because credit card accounts accrue interest on a daily basis. You pay interest every day the balance is carried forward.


If you want to do some credit repair yourself, you can accomplish results easily, but you must be persistant. You have to establish a system of follow up and this includes the ability to write a dispute letter, even several of them if need be. The law states that credit bureaus must respond to dispute letters within thirty days, but that period of time can be extended if there are reasons deemed necessary by the credit reporting agency. One reason is if you neglected to include identification in your dispute letter. Experian, Transunion and Equifax have no way of knowing who is sending a dispute letter and they must-by law, establish who is doing the asking. Always include a copy of your drivers license, your social security card and a utility bill with your name and address. If you fail to do this, the agency may stop the investigation process until you produce what they are asking for.


If you do not get the response you are seeking, then you have to dispute again. The credit reporting bureau’s only have to verify the facts are correct, but you may have to go the the actual critor to dispute with them. They also have a responsibility to report and correct items in your credit file. This sometimes takes up to a year to get results and you may have to even ask for copies of the actual purchase or you may have to produce copies of your check to show that payment was made on time.


Do not be discouraged and expect to be in this for the long haul. Credit is important and good credit will save you thousands of dollars. Bad credit hurts your pocketbook and means high interest rates. Don’t let that happen to you. Fight for what you deserve.


Always, Always send your dispute letter Certified Mail with a return receipt showing who signed and what date they signed. You must dispute with each credit bureau. If there is a problem in the Equifax report, do not assume that the same problem in the Experian report will be handled with one dispute letter. Every error in each report must be handled independently.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

© 2008-2024 Copyright Michael Saunders