Increase Credit Score-Tips On Credit Counseling and Auto and Home Loans
There are numerous steps and actions you can take when you decide to start build credit and fix bad credit that affected your credit score. In this article I will explain the different aspects of credit counseling and Auto and home loans you need to know before you move ahead. This knowledge will greatly help you in the process to raise credit score.
Credit Counseling
Despite of all your efforts to keep your expenses low or failing sticking to your budget if you are still unsure of how to fix credit, do not panic as every problem has a solution. If you are not being able to come to a conclusive plan for repayment with your creditors do not be disappointed as you can always take refuge and speak to a credit counselor or a credit counseling organization. There are numerous nonprofit organization which will guide you through and help you deal with your financial problems. But before approaching any, make sure that the services that they offer are legitimate, affordable or free. In some cases despite of being a nonprofit organization they ask for voluntary contributions.
Make appointment with the organization offering in-person counseling rather than advising on the phone, internet, chat sessions etc. There are many nonprofit organizations such as credit unions, housing authorities which run many credit counseling programs to help people deal with bad debts. You can also seek information about these organizations from your family or friends, especially those that went through hard times themselves and overcome it.
A good counseling organization always listens to your problems and helps you find a customized and personalized plan to solve your financial issues and increase credit score. The counselors are expert in the field and are trained in areas of consumer credit, money and debt management, as well as budgeting. Other than just advising they also offer free study material such as books on do bad credit repair and fix credit, CDs, videos etc to help you and understand the meaning of each negative item in your credit history that appears in the credit report and how to take the most effective steps towards fixing credit problems you are facing.
Auto and Home Loans
There are two types of debt secure and unsecure. Secure debt such as car loan, house loan always are attached to an asset and if you fail to make your payment on time the lender can always repossess your assets. On the other hand unsecured debts such as credit cards, signature loans, and medical bills are not tied to any assets.
The creditor has all the rights to resell your assets in case you fail to make all the payment clearance well in time. Many automotive companies tow away the cars of the defaulters and in order to recover it back you have to not only clear the payment but also have to pay for the towing and storage costs. So instead if you anticipate defaulting on your loan payments, it is wise that you sell the car and make all the payment. This will not only save you from added cost but also refrain from having a negative effect on your credit score because of a negative entry on your report.
In case of a home loan immediately contact your lender if you fall back on mortgage payment to avoid foreclosure. In many cases the lender tries to help you if he feels that the crisis is just a temporary phase. He might even reduce your monthly installments or suspend it for some time till the situation resumes back. But once you recover from your financial situation the installment increases for covering up the reduced amount. Working with the lender will most likely prevent them from placing a negative item on your credit history preventing you to worry later how to build bad credit later.
In case you and your lender cannot agree upon a common plan, it is advisable to contact your housing counseling agency. They help many homeowners to deal with their financial problems. In order to know the one existing in your neighborhoods you can call the Department of Housing and Urban Development or the housing authority and let them find a legitimate housing counseling agency near you. Just by considering few basic changes you can fix bad credit and raise credit score
Looking for more tips and advice to increase your credit score? , then read my blog on Increase Credit Score Secrets to get the practical advice and also get my FREE e-Book advising you how to Avoid The Most Devastating Credit Mistakes