Credit questions ans answers

Credit questions ans answers

A Prepaid Credit Card that does not charge a montly allowance?
Does anybody know of a prepaid credit card that does not charge a monthly fee? I am 14, and would close to to a have a reloadable prepaid card for use online. I HAVE hear of the Greendot Prepaid Visa card, but I am not fond of the service, and besides, they charge .95 a month. So if anybody can provide me with information and/or a prepaid credit card that does not own a monthly fee (and competent to be issued to a 14-year old), that’d be great. Thanks for your time!

A press going on for my current credit gain and where on earth it be?
i have a ranking of 635…but i went low contained by labout 3 months and not because of late payments…at hand was 2 returned checks…due to unforseen curcumstances…whcih i explained to the credit card companies and waive my feeswhich after i opened up 4 strange accounts..closed 2 cards and got denied for 4 cards…where on earth was i the way dont peacemaker.. i know it crazy and stupid what i did but i know in 6 months below par be back on track.

A Question About Getting An Apartment!!?
How do I know if my credit is good satisfactory to get an apartment? It’s not my first (it’s in truth my 3rd) but my credit has changed for a time. Any websites that can give me insight on what to expect when I start padding out these apartment applications?

A Question About Interest. REPOSTED?
I wasn’t as clear the first time through as I should have be. Here is the same ask with better details. I did achieve one good answer the first time though.I bought a motorcycle from Honda at 9.9% interest. I be told that I could pay it stale early if I needed and that would effectively reduce my interest. So I compensate extra on the monthly amount. The payment is 5 but I other pay 0 or better. The extra is supposed to stir towards the principle but last month I salaried 5 so dollars is supposed to go towards the principle but they applied more towards the interest and with the sole purpose towards the motorcycleWhat’s up with this? I can’t ask them around it until tomorrow.So in essence my interest closing month was this month it be $ 65. The statement clearly states that any payments made in excess to the standard is applied towards the principle. There is no check box.

A Question About Interest.?
I bought a motorcycle from Honda at 9.9% interest. I was told that I could payment it off precipitate if I wanted and that would effectively stifle my interest. So I pay extra on the monthly amount. The donation is 5 but I always settle 0 or better. The extra is supposed to go towards the principle but end month I paid 5 so dollars is supposed to run towards the principle but they applied more towards the interest and only towards the motorcycleWhat’s up near this? I can’t ask them about it until tomorrow.So contained by essence my interest last month be this month it was $ 65.

A Question on Balance Tranfers?
Currently I have a 624.00 match on my capital one card, near and apr of 20/55%. I got an tender for a GM Flexible Earning Card. Which offers a 0% apr on be a foil for transfers fixed through december 2007. Now I’m considering applying for this card and transfering the balance so I can cut the apr, I’m paying on my panama one? Can you explain how it work and does it seem approaching a good thought?Out of the 624, 200 is mine the rest is my mom’s, helping her pay some bills. She requests me to apply for this card, so that she can have one for an emergency if anything comes up. Because the current card I enjoy is 00 and I don’t know what the GM will be.So should I get this card to bring the balace tran and be able to payment off the bonnet one card faster. It also would help near getting a car within the near adjectives, what are your thoughts?

A quiz something like credit..?
As a person who’s never used a credit card until that time, I’m hoping someone can give me pious advice on what my first credit card should be. Also, what’s the best track to find out about my credit chalk up? Again all answers are appreciated and I thank you.

A server moved out a summons higher than my mailbox, am I legitimately binded to it?
Last night a server go knocking at my mom’s door, my sister told him I did not live here. The server left, and this morning my mom found a court summons for me on an OLD debt. Am I rightfully binded to respond now, since the summons be not signed for and was not here at my moms front mailbox? Hopefully I’m making sense, since I’ve only have 2 hours of sleep… Thank you in advanced…

A sound out nearly the Prepaid Visa Card (debit)?
I am 16, can I get one at my local Rite Aid?Without a drivers licence?Can you use it at unbeatable card you can purchase is 0 I need it to be 0 for my iPod. How do I use the Greendot reload article.. Do I have to linger so long before loading another hundred on it?Please answer to what you know.

A suspicious christen from a mound?
i got a suspicous call upon from CIBCwhere i have an article. he asked me about the mobile banking service. and he also asked me if i am a full time student and my birthday and postal code. i must be bewitched!! and i told him those stuff. Note: the time he call me is afer the operation time of banking, it’s around this a fraud? is my money undamaging? im sooo worried. what should i do? i already froze my account but still he know my personal information.

A Tax department Anywhere contained by the San Fernando Valley? Recomendations, suggestions?
Just like alot of other things including ruin officesIn the pallid pages, the numbers seem to be to be either disconnected, the guy is out of the organization until the second Tuesday of next weeketc etc..after calling nearly 4 pages, looked on file, same deal pretty much a short time ago. Ok so has anyone have a good experience near any Tax office department in the San Fernando Valley?

A Viciuos Circle..?Read on.?
Hi all, I’m surrounded by a Vicious circle.I was paying an elderly Poll Tax Bill at lb80 a month, been doing this for almost a year, However, last November I did not pay packet it, I had profoundly of bills that month which consequently meant that my details was aimless before the standing instruct was fufilled.Half means of access through December I got a memorandum from the council stating that a Detatchment of Earning was going to be taken from my wages.I agreed the fact that this money be going to come out of my account surrounded by Jan pay packet.However come Jan, they took out lb450. that vanished me totally broke, I only have enough departed to pay my rent and a few other things.My loan be not paid nor be my credit card because I had nil left.This month I own found out that the bank remunerated my loan anyway but because of that and lb100 worth of charges has vanished me lb320 overdrawn.Another DOE come out again, this time lb244(which is the last one)But in a minute I still have solitary enough to compensate my rent.So I’m in a vicious circle.

a vietnamese want to retribution my ocean shells using L/C?
a Vietnamese want to pay my deep-sea shells using L/C or letter of credit , is memorandum of credit ok ? how does it works ? do i have to settle for the shipping of the shells to his country , he is going to oder 11 tons of shells .

A week ago I get my credit report from Experian UK…?
My rating on the report was 854 out 1000 I am on the electrol roll enjoy no defaults or CCJs. I applied for a credit card and today I received the note saying I be refused because of my credit ranking. I contacted the company and all they said be that I could appeal if feel they be wrong to refuse me. I own one other credit card which is always remunerated for on time respectively month and two other small credit (catalogues) which I always remunerated on time too.Can anybody distribute my any advice and what can I do to add to my credit rating?Thanks

Abandoning credit debt.statute of restriction?
My brother owes ,000 spread out to 5 different credit cards. The accounts just lately went into collection. My brother get a job tender in England so he will be departure the country atleast 10 years if not for always. According to the statute of limitations all that debt will be written past its sell-by date in around 7 years right?

Abbey National – Cutting my overdraft!! Please facilitate?
My ban k own sent me a letter maxim that next month they are adjectives my overdraft down from lb1700 to lb500!I can’t afford to pay it adjectives of by the time they cut the overdraft limit and am going to inccur loads of charges! Are they allowed to bequeath me an overdraft and then simply take it away?

About 10 yrs ago, I have my sports car repo’d by someone while I be at work. Can they do this?
I was call down to the lobby and asked for my car key by a repo man. I was a touch taken by surprise. I was 1 donation behind and call the company who owned my car loan the subsequent day to find out how to get hold of it back. I have to pay a 0 dollar allowance for a 2 day storage on the motor. I overnight expressed the payment to the loan company and salaried them 0 dollars for 2 days worth of storage and for the fee of the motor re po man. I drove 50 miles from home to pick up my car and the guy who have my car charged me roughly speaking 0 dollars for storage on his lot. I thought that is what I remunerated to the loan company. Was he allowed to do that or was he mortal a crook trying to scam money because he knew I have it. Is there anywhere to report the guy?

About 6 years ago i default on just about 8000 surrounded by credit cards? Its almost 7 years,?
Should I try to dispute them or just lurk until they come off my transcription?

About a month ago my girlfriend moved surrounded by next to me and have to break her lease.?
They said she needed to give 30 days distinguish and she could cancel three months untimely. Anyway she got a message in the messages after she turned in the key saying she owed for january and is in arrears. She called the prevalent office and said whoever told her at the leasing bureau was wrong and she cant break the lease. They already changed the locks on the door but not a soul lives there. She does not hold anything in writing since it be a conversation in the organization and she wrote the letter stating she is moving out. She is very soon liable for the next 3 months and we own a morgage payment and cant afford the lease at her hoary place. What would be the plan of action. Thanks

About credit cards?
How much money does a person inevitability to make within a year to be approved for a credit card? Are there any credit cards out in that for people who don’t manufacture a lot of money?

About credit?
for someone who never had a credit history. Is getting a cell phone plan and paying the bill on the dot going to build credit?and by how much?2. what is considered good credit? show me some numbers/figures

About dept colection companys?
I had a dept next to a company then I recived a memorandum from a dept collections company asking for payment, I didnt recive any corespondence from the company I owed the money to unfolding me it had be referd to a dept collections company. IS THIS LEGAL? the company I owed the money to still gave me the substitute to pay past its sell-by date what I owed them, with no mention of a referal to any dept coloection company, so I compensated what I owed direct to the company I owed it to. now the dept colection company is describing me I owe them lb10 in authority charges CAN TEY DO THIS? shorly if it had be referd to this dept collection company, the company I originaly owed the money to should have withdrawn adjectives meens of paying them direct, and informed me that any money owing was to be rewarded to the colloection company and not them. wher do I stand on this. will I end up paying the dept collection company ther lb10 admin tax or is it between the company I owed and the dept collection company to sort out among themselv

About how copious points will credit move about up?
I have a friend I am helping to augment his credit score beside making him an authorized user on some of my accounts. He has singular 40 credit score points since he’s at 620. How many points, on average, does an “excellent” credit history add on per credit card?

About how long does it clutch to build up credit?
I’m a college student and up until now I’d never have a credit card or anything like that, so I didn’t enjoy ANY credit. But I bought a car contained by January of this year. I’ve made one payment so far and the second one is coming up soon. How long does it purloin for me to earn credit if I never had any prior to this?

About my credit?
I want to remove a collection from my credit history, but I am kinda confused. When I got the bill be in Feb. 28, 2004 shortly after that I moved within Mar. 5, 2004 (barely paid within about a month ago). I be told that I could show the collections agency this and they could remove this from my credit history. Is this true?

About Online Shopping i call for to know?
Hi well i bought something sour the internet By Using PayPal, Since i closed my account will it still charge me ? Because i hear now that the internet isnt really reliable for ur credit card numbers and such and that it can transport my money while i dont know about it. Well since i closed my side on Paypal i wanna know if im still vulnerable that their stealing my money.

About student loan consolidation?
I have 2 student loans. One of them is through American Educations Services, and the other one is through Sallie Mae. I’m have a hard time keeping up near both of them along with my other bills (rent, vehicle, insurance, etc.) What is the best way to turn about consolidating them together, or is that even possible? Thanks surrounded by advance.

Advice for buying a coupé after chapter 7 ruin?
Has anyone been contained by this position? I was discharged from chapter 7 collapse at the end of March 2007. I am surrounded by need of a vehicle. Any warning would be appreciated.Thank you

Advice for Cleaning up Bad Credit?
Hi, I have pretty unpromising credit and want to clean it up but dont know where on earth to begin (besides conspicuously paying off debts etc.). Is in that a good online service that can provide you guidance on what steps want to be taken to clean up credit. Basically, I necessitate someone to help me identify where on earth to begin…gratitude!

Advice for eliminate credit card debt.?
I have ,000 surrounded by CC debt. I owe 0,000 on my home and have a second mortgage on my home for ,000. I am WAY at the rear on the CC’s. getting calls every daytime. If my home is worth 0,000 can i take out another mortgage for the full efficacy of my home? My credit is obviously unpromising. I also understand I will own to pay PMI again but I newly want this stress out of my life. any suggestions on trellis sites would be usefull as well.

Advice on Building Credit when borrowing against a disc?
have you used this method of building credit?if so how did it effect your credit?Is it better to start beside a small 0 cd and work my way up every six months?example: 0 cd consequently 00, then 00, consequently 00, then ,000 ( every six months)?or merely start with a 00 cd? (6 months or a year)Thanks~ building credit and repairing credit is similar to another job.

3 credit card debt , same edge , money available, which to earnings?
I have three credit cards at duplicate bank. One have a debt of 12,500 , the other 15,000 , the 3rd 2500. I have 15,000 within cash , should I foot off one of them? or devide the money between the three surrounded by percentages?. The wall charges the same interest rate for the 3 cards.

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Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

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