When your credit report has problems, you have problems. Poor choices in your past can really come back to haunt you. Although getting your credit back up to speed can be difficult, there is no reason why it cannot be done. Here are some great ideas to get you back on track.
If you have to improve your credit, make a solid plan and follow it. However, if you are not prepared to alter bad habits regarding your spending, nothing will ever change. Purchase nothing but the essentials. Only buy something if you have to have it and you can afford it.
Try to keep a balance of less than 50% of your available credit on all of your cards. Credit card balances are among the factors taken into account when determining your credit score. Maintaining balances over 50% will lower your rating. You can attain lower your balances by using balance transfers to move debt from accounts with higher balances to those with lower balances, or by simply paying off some of your higher balances.
Lower Interest Rate
A lower credit score can get you a lower interest rate. A lower interest rate means lower monthly payments, and less time paying off your debt. The way you can achieve an excellent credit score is by getting good offers and credit rates that are competitive in order to make paying off debt easier.
Try opening an installment account. With an installment account there is a monthly minimum you need to keep, so only open an affordable account. A properly managed installment account will work wonders on your credit rating.
Due Date
You need to work with the companies from whom you have credit cards. You should contact the company and request a lower interest rate or a due date change if necessary. Do not be afraid to call your credit card company and ask if you can make changes to your due date or your minimum payment amounts.
When trying to repair your credit, research any credit counselors you consider using very thoroughly. Although some can be quite legitimate, others have motives that are less than kind. Other counselors are nothing more than scam artists. A savvy consumer will always do his or her research on any credit counseling service to ensure that the agency is legitimate.
If you use the tips contained in the above article, you can turn that dreadful 350 into a nice, shiny 850. Most importantly, be consistent, making sure to pay your bills on time. Rather than worrying constantly about your credit, start rebuilding it!